Interim report January-September 2011

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Third Quarter 2011

  • Net revenues amounted to SEK 847 M (593)
  • Result before tax amounted to SEK -167 M (778)
  • Result after tax amounted to SEK -136 M (795)
  • Earnings per share after tax amounted -2.5 SEK (26.3)

January-September 2011

  • Net revenues amounted to SEK 2,086 M (1,754)
  • Result before tax amounted to SEK -305 M (663)
  • Result after tax amounted to SEK -241 M (836)
  • Earnings per share after tax amounted -4.3 SEK (29.3)

In the third quarter, we can confirm that the troubled situation in the international economy affected us and that recovery from the financial crisis in 2009 slowed down. Earnings for the third quarter are unsatisfactory and amounted to a loss of SEK -136 M, of which SEK -105 M comprises restructuring costs.
 An Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on Monday, November 7 and the Meeting will address a resolution concerning the Board’s motion for a new share issue of about SEK 555 M with preferential rights for existing shareholders, and the Board’s proposal of an acquisition of SBS Marine.
 It is my own and the Board’s view that a separation of TransAtlantic into two separate companies will lead to two more focused operations, which in turn will strengthen both

Rolf Skaarberg
President and CEO

Press conference

In conjunction with the publication of the Interim report January-September, a teleconference will be held with media, investors and analysts on Thursday November 3, at 11:00, am with CEO Rolf Skaarberg and CFO Gunnar Modalen.
Those who wish to participate in the telephone conference call, please call +46 8 23 23 90,
code 892 111

This Interim report is available in its entirety on the company website,

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