Viking Supply Ships A/S Interim Report January – June 2015
Press releaseTotal revenue for Q2 2015 was MNOK 290 (MNOK 365), of which vessel operations contribute with MNOK 261 (MNOK 262) and Services and Ship Management segments contribute with MNOK 29 (MNOK 103). The total EBITDA for Q2 was MNOK 91 (MNOK 115). The operating result (EBIT) for Q2 was MNOK 43 (MNOK 69). The net result for Q2 was MNOK 47 (MNOK 38). The average fixture rate for the AHTS fleet in Q2 was NOK 463,500 (NOK 413,000) and GBP 2,650 (GBP 10,360) for the Platform Supply Vessels (PSV) fleet. The average utilization for the AHTS fleet for Q2 was 75% (72%) and 22% (82%) for the