Report from Annual General Meeting

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At Vitrolife’s Annual General Meeting yesterday, May 4, the following was among the decided: • No dividend will be paid for the financial year 2005. • Re-election of Board members Patrik Tigerschiöld, Per Båtelson and Madeleine Olsson-Eriksson and new election of Semmy Rülf, in accordance with the election committee’s proposal. • Decision regarding changes in the Articles of Association due to the fact that a new Companies Act (2005:551) came into force on January 1, 2006 as well as changes of an editorial nature. The adopted changes were in accordance with the Board’s proposal. • Authorization for the Board, for the time up until the next Annual General Meeting and on one or more occasions, to take a decision on the issue of a maximum of 2,100,000 shares in total, corresponding to approximately 9.6 percent of the company’s share capital. The issue may deviate from the shareholders' pre-emptive rights through a non-cash issue, through offsetting or may otherwise be subscribed for in accordance with chapter 13 § 5, paragraph one, 6, of the Companies Act. The reason for the possible deviation from the shareholders' pre-emptive rights is to prepare the ground for a possible company acquisition. • Lars Hamberger was appointed honorary chairman for a period of two years. At the Board meeting following election which was held after the Annual General Meeting, Patrik Tigerschiöld was elected Chairman of the Board. May 5, 2006 Gothenburg, Sweden The Board Questions should be addressed to: Magnus Nilsson, CEO, phone +46 31 721 80 00 or +46 708 22 80 61. Anna Ahlberg, CFO, phone +46 31 721 80 13 or +46 708 22 80 13.


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