Vizrt Capital Markets Day at IBC in Amsterdam, September 9, 2011

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Vizrt Capital Markets Day at IBC in Amsterdam, September 9, 2011


                                                                                                                                         Bergen, July 14, 2011

As in previous years, this September the RAI in Amsterdam will host the IBC industry tradeshow.  IBC is the European summit for the world of multimedia content creation, management and delivery.  At the event, Vizrt will showcase its product range, providing the perfect environment to present the latest solutions.  These past few years have been active for us with several acquisitions and at the event we will be showing the fruits of our labor to integrate these new product lines with the already extensive Vizrt solutions universe.  Visitors will be able to witness the benefits of exiting new technologies in the fields of graphic sports enhancement, 3D and multiplatform publishing.

The IBC event provides us with the perfect stage to showcase what Vizrt is all about, what we have achieved these past couple of years, and share the excitement of Vizrt now and where we aim to be in the future, with our stakeholders.  We therefore cordially invite you to attend the Vizrt Capital Markets Day, which will be held on September 9, 2011. 

We will start the day at the Okura hotel, where Senior Management and possibly guest speakers from the industry will give several presentations.  Each speaker will be available for a Q&A session.  Following the presentations, we will adjourn to the RAI where you will be able to attend various product demonstrations at Vizrt's booth. Afterwards, you may want to take your own tour around the show to get an overview of the industry and other major companies presenting themselves.  We will finish the day with a reception at the Vizrt booth.

Preliminary programme:

9.30   Welcome, Hotel Okura Amsterdam, Ferdinand Bolstraat 333 1072 LH  Amsterdam
T: +31 (0)20 678 71 11 
F: +31 (0)20 671 23 44

9:45  - 12:30  Presentations and Q&A (CEO, CFO & CCO + potential guest speaker)

12:30 - 13:45  Lunch and transfer to IBC

14:15 - 16:00  Demonstrations at Vizrt booth at IBC, Amsterdam RAI, Europaplein 22 NL 1078 GZ  Amsterdam

16:00   Time to explore other booths at IBC

18:00   Reception art Vizrt booth

If you are planning to attend, please notify us by replying to this invitation by July 30 at the latest (replies to We will then provide you with the required information.  Tickets to IBC will be handed out at the presentations in the Okura Hotel.

For more information about the tradeshow and conference, please check: or

Please take care for your own travel arrangements to and from Amsterdam. In case you need assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.

If you require accommodation, please inform us and we will be happy to assist you with a hotel reservation at a central location. We would like to remind you that during the IBC exhibition, it might be rather difficult to find an appropriate room in Amsterdam.

If you need our assistance with a hotel booking, please inform us by July 23 at the latest. Further details on locations and schedule will be supplied in due course.

We look forward to meeting you in Amsterdam.

With kind regards,

Ofra Brown, CFO

The event will be coordinated by:

SCHWARZ Financial Communication
Marc Lakmaaker

+41 7981 68 592

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