Vodafone launches Business To Go - the mobile package for small businesses

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Vodafone launches Business To Go - the mobile package for small businesses Vodafone Sweden has now launched Business To Go, a package that makes it easier for Sweden's small businesses to buy mobile communications services. Business To Go is a package developed by Vodafone to simplify the process of purchasing mobile communications services for small businesses. The Business To Go package includes everything a small enterprise needs for effective communication: an advanced mobile telephone*, a headset, an interactive training CD to help users make the most of their mobile services and a Vodafone Business subscription. - This is a whole new way of bundling mobile business services. Small businesses normally have limited time for anything other than their core activities, at the same time that much of their work takes place outside the office walls. With Business To Go they get access to an excellent communication solution for both their terminal and subscription needs simply by going into the store and picking up a package. It doesn't get any easier than that!, says Anders Sjöholm, Commercial Director Business at Vodafone Sweden. The Vodafone Business subscription includes a number of services: EuroVoice, SMS, MMS, GPRS, Call Switching, Multi-Party Calls, Speed Dial numbers abroad, Call Transfer, Caller ID, Call Waiting, Textinfo, Call Forwarding, Call Referral and Call Return by pressing 5. The price of the Business To Go package is SEK 395 excluding VAT**. The package can be purchased from most Vodafone retailers. For information about voice and data traffic rates for the Vodafone Business subscription Low visit http://www.vodafone.se/511.jsp?smid=112790 For pictures of the package visit: http://www.vodafone.se/433.jsp?smid=3 *Initially the package includes a Sony Ericsson T610. Additional mobiles will be included in the future. ** Applies with subscription to Vodafone Business Low for at least 18 months. For more information, please contact: Anders Sjöholm, Commercial Director Business Telephone: +46 708 33 10 22, e-mail: anders.sjoholm@vodafone.se ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/10/08/20031008BIT00110/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/10/08/20031008BIT00110/wkr0002.pdf