Vodafone Sweden's customers can send MMS to all mobile users in Sweden

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Vodafone Sweden's customers can send MMS to all mobile users in Sweden Vodafone Sweden is the first operator in Sweden to offer its customers full multimedia mobile communication. Starting today, the company's mobile users can send and receive MMS messages to and from both Telia's and Comviq's mobile customers. MMS adds a whole new dimension to mobile communication, enabling mobile users to share their experiences in the form of pictures, sound and text via their mobile phones, whatever the occasion and whatever their mood. As of today, Vodafone Sweden's customers will have access to full-scale multimedia communication now that Vodafone Sweden has signed an agreement with Telia and opened up its networks to picture messages sent between the two operators' customers. Vodafone Sweden's customers have already been able to send MMS to Comviq's users for a couple of weeks now. "Since opening picture communication with Comviq, we have noted a major upswing in MMS traffic. We are expecting an even bigger upswing now that we can also offer our users MMS communication with Telia's customers," says Göran Mannerstråle, Director of Consumer Affairs at Vodafone Sweden. "During the spring, we plan to continue to invest even more heavily in the field of picture communication. This will include strengthening our Vodafone live! concept by adding new multimedia services and including new camera telephones. We have particularly high hopes for the Sharp GX10i live-telephone that has met with such tremendous success in Europe and that we will be incorporating into our concept in Sweden during the spring," says Göran Mannerstråle. Vodafone Sweden is offering a special MMS campaign price of SEK 1.50 per message until the end of April. MMS is available to all Vodafone Sweden subscriptions and pre-paid cards. Mobile users with a Nokia or Sony Ericsson telephone with MMS capabilities should simply send an SMS with the text "MMS" to 9989, and the MMS settings will be automatically activated in their phones. For more information, please contact: Göran Mannerstråle, Director of Consumer Affairs Tel.: +46 708-33 18 45, e-mail: goran.mannerstrale@vodafone.se Johan Holmgren, Director of Public Relations Tel.: +46 708-33 14 00, e-mail: johan.holmgren@vodafone.se ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/04/08/20030408BIT00190/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/04/08/20030408BIT00190/wkr0002.pdf