Research reveals e-scooters make you feel good: 4 in 5 riders report good mood after using a shared e-scooter

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  • New research by the University of Leeds and University of Cambridge has analysed the mental health benefits of using Voi Technology’s shared e-scooters 
  • Four in five riders say they are in a good mood after an e-scooter trip, with over three in five report feeling closer to nature
  • People with protected characteristics, such as personal mobility issues or come from an ethnic minority background, were more likely to report positive wellbeing impact from using e-scooters
  • Over 70% of respondents have access to a car, yet use e-scooters because of faster journey speeds and increased reliability compared to other modes
  • Other positive impacts include improving access to local services and amenities and enabling people to take more exercise during their day

A woman riding a Voi scooter  Credit: Voi

London, 19 May 2023: Voi’s shared electric scooters help people to feel happier and more connected with nature according to an independent study conducted by the University of Leeds and University of Cambridge.

The wellbeing benefits of e-scooters were also found to be more pronounced for people with ethnic minority backgrounds or with personal mobility issues.

The research, published in Active Travel Studies, is one of the first academic studies of its kind looking at wellbeing and e-scooter use and demonstrates the benefits of shared micromobility in the UK. 

A team of researchers from the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds surveyed over 2,400 Voi riders across 15 UK cities including Bristol, Liverpool and Cambridge, between August and September 2021.

This included first-time riders as well as occasional, regular and frequent users of the shared e-scooters service. The results are part of ongoing research that will measure the impact of e-scooter use on wellbeing over time. 

Immediate impact of e-scooters: decreased stress and improved access to nature 

The researchers asked the riders to report their general stress and mood levels before, during and after e-scooter journeys over one month to build a more comprehensive picture of how e-scooters impact wellbeing.

The research found that 80% of riders reported feeling in a good mood after an e-scooter trip and 64% said they felt closer to the natural environment. In addition, 61% reported feeling more alert and less sluggish after taking an e-scooter, with 57% reporting they felt less stressed after the journey. 

In particular, the research found that people with walking difficulties were significantly more likely to experience positive feelings after an e-scooter ride.

As well, riders with an ethnic minority background were also more likely to report feeling closer to nature, demonstrating the beneficial impact shared e-scooters are having on UK communities.

Beyond wellbeing - faster speeds and affordability 

Shared e-scooters provide other benefits to riders. Over half (56%) of those questioned in this study reported that e-scooters have increased their access to local services and amenities.

The majority of riders said they use the vehicles because of faster journey speeds (77%) and increased reliability (63%) compared to alternative modes. This is despite the fact that over 70% of respondents have access to a car, with 28% saying they actively use e-scooters to avoid using a car or van - demonstrating that people are choosing shared micromobility over car journeys in cities. 

Importantly, around one in five (20%) riders said they use e-scooters to save money on travel. Given the rise in the cost of living across the UK and increases in the cost of fuel, this is likely to become an even more significant reason for people to use shared e-scooters over other transport methods. 

When it comes to exercise, e-scooters - sometimes criticised for substituting for trips where people would have chosen to walk or cycle - also had a positive impact. The survey found that 42% of riders questioned said that they felt they had carried out some exercise after their e-scooter trip and that taking an e-scooter involved more physical activity than their other methods of travel. 

Digging into the potential of shared e-scooters 

Since Voi launched its first e-scooters in the UK in 2020, city residents and tourists have overwhelmingly embraced shared micromobility with nearly 25 million rides.

Whilst much has been published about the benefits of shared e-scooters in cities by reducing private car usage and harmful emissions, this is the first step in analysing the personal wellbeing benefits.

This study is part of ongoing research that will measure changes over time and provide more insights into how people use and benefit from micromobility across the UK. 

Matthew Pencharz, head of public policy for Voi UK, Ireland and France said: “We know from other research we've done that shared e-scooters can improve our towns and cities by making them less congested, reducing harmful emissions and boosting high street spend and but it’s also brilliant to see the positive personal impacts Voi’s e-scooters are having. 

“From increased access to nature, feeling less stressed when travelling and helping people to become more active in their daily lives, people across the UK are benefiting from e-scooters in many different ways. These results can help us build an even better service to ensure more people can feel better after making an e-scooter journey.” 


Notes to editors

The full study can be found here.

Juliette Maxam

Senior PR manager, Voi UK and Ireland

About Voi 

Founded in 2018, Voi is a Swedish micromobility company offering e-scooter and e-bike sharing in partnership with towns, cities and local communities. We believe e-scooters can play a central role in changing how people move in our towns and cities in the future. We want to ensure that the micromobility transformation happens the right way - through real innovative technology, open and transparent dialogue with towns, cities and governments and by adapting our products to local needs. Voi’s holistic Environmental Action Plan tackles emissions and promotes renewable energy use and circularity along its supply chain. 

Voi operates in over 100 towns and cities across 11 countries. It is headquartered in Stockholm and employs 1,000 people. To date, Voi boasts more than seven million riders and has served more than 150+ million rides.


