VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland takes emission measurement knowhow to India

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VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has started a project focusing on the development of emission measurement in India. Reliable measurement has a key role in identifying and reducing emissions.

In India only few plants own continuous emission measurement systems (CEMs) that continuously monitor the volume and concentrations of pollutants. Emissions are mostly measured with non-continuous methods which requires special skills and accuracy from the test laboratory. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has several tens of years of experience in the field which helps Indians to develop their skills and improve the level of measurements.

The project consists of the Indian specialists' five education and training visits to VTT in Finland and the workshops held by VTT in India.

"The focus of the training sessions will be on practical measurement exercises. This is how we will in practice transfer the know-how that we have. We will also visit Finnish companies, such as equipment manufacturers and introduce our visitors the latest technology in the field," says the head of the project, team leader Tuula Pellikka.

The project has been made possible by the Institutional Cooperation Instrument (ICI), established by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs to finance the participation of Finnish government agencies in international development cooperation. The objective is to strengthen the skills and know-how of government actors, such as ministries and institutions, in the developing countries.

Keijo Norvanto, Director of Communications of the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, was involved in the early stages of the project. He points out that three significant aspects will be realised in the emission project.

“First of all, the project helps to bring VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland's skills to countries where they are needed and helps VTT to network. Secondly, this mechanism takes the development policy operations to a practical level and puts them into action. The project also offers an excellent opportunity for promoting export, since improved skills and competence create demands that Finnish companies can respond to”, Norvanto says.

The project started in February 2012. The Indian project participants include the CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board, an agency governed by the Indian Ministry of the Environment and Forest, MoEF ) and its sub-organisations, the SPCB units (State Pollution Control Board), operating in the different states of India.

For more information please contact:
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Tuula Pellikka, Principal Scientist
tel. +358 040 583 1868


Further information on VTT:
Olli Ernvall, Senior Vice President, Communications
Tel. 358 20 722 6747

VTT - 70 years of technology for business and society
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is a leading multitechnological applied research organization in Northern Europe. VTT creates new technology and science-based innovations in co-operation with domestic and foreign partners. VTT’s turnover is EUR 290 million and itspersonnel totals 3,100.

