His Majesty King Harald of Norway and Arthur Pettersson-Kieffer

Photographer: Elias Storøy

Together with a 10-year old from the area, His Majesty King Harald of Norway attended the official inauguration of Waves4Power’s wave power system on Thursday, 21 September.

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About Us

W4P Waves4Power AB is a private Swedish company. The business is to convert ocean wave motion into electric power in a profitable way with no harmful CO2 emissions. Up till today the company has more than 12 000 hours of full-scale testing of its power conversion system and the technique is now verified and ready for commercial exploration. Waves4Power is working with a network of industrial partners and has a close corporation with, among others, Chalmers University of Technology. The company is represented in Sweden, Norway, UK and USA. www.waves4power.com
