Board member of Waystream Holding AB (publ) resigns

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Peter Uddfors has announced to the Board on 27/8 that he resigns as a board member. The reason is the workload that the Waystream mission entails in combination with Peter's main professional commitment at Eltel. Following Peter Uddfors's resignation, the Board consists of 6 members. According to the Articles of Association, the Board shall consist of 3 to 10 members. The election of any alternate will take place at the Annual General Meeting.

"I want to thank Peter for his work effort during his time on the board," said Peter Kopelman, chairman of the board.

For further information:

Peter Kopelman, styrelseordförande 070-6911000

About Waystream

Waystream sells and designs advanced digital infrastructure including switches and routers. With our products and expertise, we help telecom operators and service providers to offer reliable and user-centric network services with a high level of functionality. Our products are smart, easy to use and manage, and designed to create the best possible experience for the end user.

The company is traded on the NASDAQ First North. Waystream’s Certified Adviser is FNCA Sweden AB.
