Waystream launches new power-saving SFP modules that reduce power consumption by 20-25 percent
Waystream, who develops and sells advanced digital infrastructure such as switches and routers for broadband fiber networks, today announces a completely new line of superlow-power SFP modules for fiber to the home broadband networks and other types of networks.
The SFP module is commonly used in all fiber based networks today and converts electrical signals to light. It is a key component in broadband networks, datacenters and enterprise networks and every conntected household or business requires at least on SFP module. Waystream’s new superlow-power SFP cuts the power consumption for switch equipment by 20-25% which means a significant saving in power but it also in cooling costs for operators.
- There are millions of SFP modules in use in Sweden and the superlow-power SFPs allow operators to cut their energy costs for operating broadband networks. In addition less heat is generated from the equipment which leads to decreased need of cooling. The effect is not only lower energy costs but also less climat impact, such as reduced carbon emissions. It enables greener broadband services, says Fredrik Nyman, Product Manager at Waystream.
By improving the optical modules and the way the modules are constructed, Waystream and its suppliers have been able to reduce the effective power consumption of an SFP to about 0.3W for the commonly used fiber to the home connection. Traditional SFPs may consume as much as 1W for the same which means that the superlow-power SFPs saves up to 67% power for the optics alone without any performance degradation. Swedish broadband network operators Affärsverken in Karlskrona and Fibra in Västerås have participated in the development by deploying and verifying the functionality.
Affärsverken, a power utility company who operates a large FTTH network in south of Sweden, deployed a set of superlow-power-SFPs during the Swedish summer, the warmest period of the year.
- We were very happy with the result for the new SFP modules. We did careful measurements of power consumption for 30 days before and after the change to the superlow-power SFPs. The result was a drop in 21% of total power consumption of the switches, but still with stable and reliable service operation. No end-user complaints or issues have been noted during the test period, says Johan Ullström, senior network engineer at Affärsverken.
Daniel Ahlin, responsible for hardware implementation at Fibra with more than 50,000 FTTH households, confirms the result.
- We installed the superlow-power SFP at one of our locations. The power consumption dropped noticeably with each activated SFP. The overall reduction in the system went from about 51W to 39W which shows that these new SFPs clearly make a difference to reduce power and cooling costs.
The new superlow-power SFP is available from Waystream and its partners as of September 2017.
For more information, please contact:
Mats Öberg, VD Waystream
Mobile: +46 (0) 76 881 81 31
Email: mats.oberg@waystream.com
About Waystream
Waystream sells and designs advanced digital infrastructure including switches and routers. With our products and expertise, we help telecom operators and service providers to offer reliable and user-centric network services with a high level of functionality. Our products are smart, easy to use and manage, and designed to create the best possible experience for the end user.
The company is traded on the NASDAQ First North. Waystream’s Certified Adviser is FNCA Sweden AB.