Waystream sells gigabit switches worth SEK 3.5 million to Lunet

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Waystream has via its partner Netnordic received a large order from Lunet to complete the upgrading of the city network to gigabit speed.

Lunet provides broadband via fiber to residents of Luleå and currently they reach 8 out of 10 inhabitants in the municipality. Prior to the initiated network upgrade, which will increase the speed and service to the customers, Lunet made an assessment of a number of suppliers during 2016 and in early 2017. Lunet chose Waystream, who delivered equipment for the first upgrade of 2,000 ports, before the summer.

"We are very pleased with our choice of Waystream and the MS4000 as well as the fact that it has gone much faster than expected to complete the first part of the upgrade. During the test period we had the opportunity to evaluate the products’ quality and functionality, which is an important part of the success. Our impression, that MS4000 is a product well developed and designed for its purpose i.e. deliver robust and fast fiber access that meets today's high standards, has been strengthened during this period," says Thomas Sundström, CEO of Lunet.

In total, 12,000 ports will be upgraded and the new order is for the remaining 10,000 ports, worth SEK 3.5 million. The equipment that is used for the upgrade to gigabit speed is Waystream’s MS4000, a layer 2 Gigabit Ethernet access switch. The products will be delivered during September and October, which means that the upgrade will be completed by 2017, i.e. earlier than expected.

"We are proud that Lunet chose our equipment in fierce competition with other manufacturers. Together, we have also succeeded in accelerating implementation, which means that Luleå's residents soon will have access to a much faster internet connection," says Mats Öberg, CEO of Waystream.

Fiber is the fastest growing broadband technology in Sweden. Sweden is one of seven countries in Europe that has more than 1 million fiber connections. According to PTS's report "Swedish Telecom Market 2016", the number of subscriptions of fiber increased by 19 percent, which means that at year-end the number of subscriptions passed 2 million in Sweden. The subscriptions via fiber (or fiber LAN) now constitute more than half (55%) of all fixed-line subscriptions.

For more information, please contact:

Mats Öberg, VD Waystream

Mobile: +46 (0) 76 881 81 31

Email: mats.oberg@waystream.com

About Waystream   

Waystream sells and designs advanced digital infrastructure including switches and routers. With our products and expertise, we help telecom operators and service providers to offer reliable and user-centric network services with a high level of functionality. Our products are smart, easy to use and manage, and designed to create the best possible experience for the end user.

The company is traded on the NASDAQ First North. Waystream’s Certified Adviser is FNCA Sweden AB.

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