Webstep ASA: Resignation of CFO
Oslo, 30 June 2022: The CFO of Webstep ASA, Liv Annike Kverneland, has today resigned from Webstep. She is currently on parental leave, and has decided to pursue a career as Partner in PwC.
The search for a new CFO begins immediately. The interim CFO, Truls Oftedal Ellingsen, continues in the position as interim CFO until a permanent solution is in place.
Contact details for further information:
Save Asmervik, CEO
Cell: +47 993 75 446
Email: save.asmervik@webstep.no
Webstep ASA is a provider of consultancy services to the private and public sector, with the IT expertise necessary to deliver the most demanding digitalisation and IT services. The Webstep Group employs approximately 500 employees in Norway and Sweden. The company offers its services to more than 250 customers annually and has been recognised for its work environment.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.