Webstep ASA: Resolution to increase the share capital following exercise of options

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Oslo, 28 February 2023: Webstep ASA (the "Company") has completed an exercise window for vested options under its long-term incentive program, where in total 42,461 options have been exercised by two option holders.

In connection therewith, the board of directors of the Company has in a board meeting held today, on 28 February 2023, resolved to increase the Company's share capital with NOK 42,461 by the issuance of 42,461 new shares, each with a par value of NOK 1.00, in order to facilitate the delivery of new shares to the options holders having exercised options. The board of directors' resolution to increase the share capital of the Company was made pursuant to the authorisation granted to it by the extraordinary general meeting held on 23 November 2021. 

The exercise price for the options exercised equals the volume-weighted average market price for the Company's shares on the Oslo Stock Exchange the six trading days prior to the grant date of the relevant options. 

Upon registration of the share capital increase pertaining to the new shares with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises (Nw.: Foretaksregisteret), the new share capital of the Company will be NOK 27,670,959, divided into 27,670,959 shares, each with a par value of NOK 1.00. The share capital increase will be registered with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises as soon as practically possible after the share contribution has been fully paid.

Contact details for further information:

Ida Amalie Oma, CFO

Cell: +47 906 30 276

Email : ir@webstep.com

Website : www.webstep.com

Webstep ASA is a provider of consultancy services to the private and public sector, with the IT expertise necessary to deliver the most demanding digitalisation and IT services.The Webstep Group employs approximately 535 employees in Norway and Sweden. The company offers its services to more than 250 customers annually and has been recognised for its work environment.


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