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For Immediate Issue BSPR04.10 – Roofing Local 16th July 2010 BURLINGTON – PROTECTING THE REGION’S ROOFING HERITAGE With Cumbria being home to one of the richest sources of natural slate not just here in the UK but globally, every manner of building and structure is adorned with what is unquestionably the finest roof covering in the world. And Burlington Stone of Kirkby-in-Furness is intent on keeping things that way by refocusing its energies on promoting the virtues of what is a quintessentially British product. As Sales & Marketing Director, Nick Williams enthuses: “Our message is a clear one. If you’re looking to create a roofscape completely in unison with the local vernacular and which is proven to offer longevity, then investing in part of the region’s cultural heritage remains a must. Given that roofing slate has been quarried for over 400 years from the heart of the English Lake District, it is proven to stand the test of time and guaranteed to provide an exquisite finish to any home or building, new or refurbished.” Burlington’s protectionist policy towards Lakeland slate has, in part, been driven by the influx of imported slate products into Cumbria and the surrounding region over recent years. As Nick injects: “Whilst we acknowledge that competition locally is healthy, as a major producer of what is without doubt the best natural slate roofing money can buy, it does after all carry the BSI Kitemark to standard EN12326, we have an obligation to make specifiers aware of the many reasons, all of which have been substantiated for centuries, why not only buying British, but buying the best of British is a number one priority. You could say it a sure fire way of avoiding some of the pitfalls that can result from specifying what we would quantify as lesser quality products from other sources,” he adds. It is against such a backdrop of caveat emptor (‘let the buyer beware’), that Burlington is embarking on reaffirming the aesthetic and technical benefits of a product that guarantees to deliver a traditional roof-covering look. “Nothing compare to Burlington’s natural slate in terms of its quality. Whilst many argue that alternatives tend to give a one dimensional, almost artificial appearance to a roof, Lakeland slate is proven to weather sympathetically and harmonises with other natural materials used to construct a dwelling,” continues Nick. Boasting a unique character and natural beauty, it can be supplied and laid using many different sizes and patterns to striking effect. Enhanced by the clean incisive lines and details, its fashioned regularity conveys the line and mass of the roof in a manner that is unmatched by other materials. Burlington’s roofing slate is available in three distinct formats: random slates for a unique natural look, patterned slates for fixed lengths and widths to create a more uniformed appearance and sized slates that come in stated lengths and various widths. For roofs that are lower in pitch, especially those with hips and valleys, sized slates are ideal. Choose from Westmorland Green, a pale green stone, often highlighted by contrasting veins that emphasise its natural origins or Blue/Grey, a stone that is an even colour throughout. The technical properties of Burlington’s slate reign supreme in every way, being non-combustible, unaffected by freeze/thaw cycling, atmospheric pollution, acid rain and salt spray. Likewise, they will not rot or delaminate, do not encourage the growth of lichens or mosses and are compatible with all common building materials. Quite simply, Burlington’s roofing slate stands as the only true roofing material and whatever the project, it speaks permanence, consideration and quality. What’s more, in terms of its environmental credentials, never before has roofing slate been so sympathetically extracted and produced. As Nick Williams injects: “Burlington operates a progressive environmental policy that aims to minimise the impact on the surrounding environment from its quarrying operations, whilst endeavouring to extend its waste management techniques to maintain a sustainable industry for the future. Furthermore, as extraction and production techniques tend to be comparable irrespective of where a stone’s source emanates, given that our roofing slate is produced locally, its carbon footprint is far less significant than those that are not native to Cumbria. Concluding Nick added: “Burlington is a major employer within the Cumbria region, with well over 200 jobs reliant on the continued fortunes of both the company’s roofing slate and architectural product range. Given that the company remains committed to investing in the area, the call to specifiers and local authorities is for them to follow our lead by continuing to do the same.” For further information on Burlington’s range of slate roofing tiles, contact 01229 889661 or visit www.burlingtonstone.com Prices are available on application. -ENDS- PRESS CONTACT: Paul Watson Wentworth Communications Limited Tel: 0161 973 6763 Fax: 0161 969 6813 Email: julie@wentworthcomms.co.uk CAPTIONS: BSPRO4.10 – Roofing.jpg. Burlington’s Westmorland Green natural slate roofing seen here adorning a private residence in Cumbria. BSPR04.10 – Roofing Alt.jpg. A now familiar Lake District landmark. The Wordsworth Trust’s award winning Jerwood Centre in Grasmere that features both Burlington’s roofing slate and natural stone walling.



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