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Prime time viewers of BBC on Sunday night got the opportunity to gain a brief but informative insight into slate quarrying in the Lake District, the film crew of popular TV programme, Countryflle, having spent time at the Kirkby quarry of leading local natural stone producer, Burlington. Highlighting the importance of what remains the Lake District’s oldest and most established industry, the Countryfile programme - reporting on the people, places and stories making news in the British countryside - gave viewers an overview of how the region’s most natural resource that is 450 million years old has played such a crucial role in the Lake District’s development. Clearly depicting how large clogs or blocks of stone are quarried and cut into more manageable size, Countryfile presenter, Ellie Harrison, explained how this most versatile of materials is today used to ‘make road surfaces to the kitchen sink’. Commenting on Countryfile’s visit to Burlington’s Kirkby quarry, Sales & Marketing Director, Nick Williams said: “We are continuing to see a marked increase in the interest that people from all walks of life are showing in slate quarrying, and it was great to see Countryfile give yet more exposure to an industry that is not only romantic, charming and quintessentially British, but one that is flourishing in what remains difficult economic times. “We truly believe that the Lake District is home to the finest stone in the world and everyone associated with the business is fully appreciative of this. It is this message that we are looking to spread are and wide, and in doing so play our part in hopefully bringing further prosperity to the Cumbria region as a whole.” Anyone interested in accessing the footage in question can do so by viewing it on BBC iPlayer. -ENDS- PRESS CONTACT: Paul Watson Wentworth Communications Limited Tel: 0161 973 6763 Fax: 0161 969 6813 Email: paul@wentworthcomms.co.uk



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