Summary from the Extraordinary General Meeting held in Stockholm, Sweden on January 31 2006

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West Siberian Resources Ltd’s shareholders gathered in Stockholm today for an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) called by the board of directors. The purpose of the meeting was to vote on the election of a new director and to adopt resolutions regarding the share capital and issuance of new shares.

The meeting resolved, in accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposals: -that the authorized share capital is increased from currently USD 50 000 000 corresponding to 1 000 000 000 shares to USD 75 000 000 corresponding to 1 500 000 000 shares. -to authorize the Board to resolve to issue new shares, options, convertible bonds or bonds with or without an option to subscribe for new shares, the maximum of which is the amount of shares allowed within the maximum authorized share capital. The Board of Directors' resolution of a share issue should be permitted to be made with deviation from existing shareholders' pre-emption rights. The meeting further resolved to elect Mr Oleg Fomenko as a new director to join board members Eric Forss (Chairman), Fred Boling, Claes Levin and Maxim Barski ( Managing Director). Mr Barski addressed the EGM and updated shareholders on the company’s progress and future plans. The presentation is attached to this press release and is also available at For further information: Maxim Barski, Managing director, West Siberian Resources Ltd., tel. +7 095 723 07 18 Eric Forss, Chairman, West Siberian Resources Ltd., tel. +46 8 613 00 85 or +46 70 523 86 62 Also visit