Australia takes Japan to court

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Announcement of Australian Government’s legal action against Japanese whaling highlights EU’s lack of clear position says WDCS

In an official press statement earlier today, the Australian Government has announced legal action against Japanese whaling at the International Court of Justice. The basis of the case is that Japan has flouted the global moratorium on commercial whaling via its “scientific” whaling program in the Southern Ocean, which is doubly protected as a Whale Sanctuary under International Whaling Commission (IWC) rules. “Now it is the turn of the European Union to take a clear position against whaling and publicly stand behind Australia and its strong efforts to bring and end to commercial and scientific whaling”, said Chris Butler-Stroud, chief executive of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS). “Europe’s citizens have strong views against whaling, as do many governments of the EU Member States, but the European Union, as a block, has failed to stand strong against whaling in the past months. This is appalling.” When the Chair of the IWC recently put forward a proposal which would legitimize all current whaling activities for 10 years, Australia was quick to voice its criticism. Three months on and The European Union has still not made up its mind about its own position regarding this proposal. “Europe, it is clearly now time for you to step up and also clearly oppose commercial whaling”, says Butler-Stroud. Ends