WDCS issues strong counter to IWC Chairman’s calls for a ‘fair reading’ on ‘peace’ plan to lift 24-year whaling ban

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Conservation Governments should not give in to the blackmail - WDCS

On the 7th May 2010 the International Whaling Commission (IWC) Chairman and Vice-Chair issued a press release, through the mechanism of the IWC website, entitled: ‘If you really care about whale conservation - give our proposal a fair reading.’ WDCS (the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society) believes that, despite the Chairman’s and Vice-Chair’s portrayal of their controversial proposal to lift the current ban on commercial whaling as a ‘peace plan’, it remains a ‘whaler’s charter’. The release creates a series of new terms for whaling not contained in the International Convention on the Regulation of Whaling. The compromises it suggests are not necessarily good, nor appropriate; especially as the statement admits that none of the conservation concerns will be addressed. "WDCS has given the proposed 'deal' fair and careful reading, but no matter how you look at it, it's 'whalers charter'. We urge conservation Governments not to give in to the blackmail, and save whales, not whaling," said Chris Butler-Stroud, WDCS CEO. A full statement from Chris Butler-Stroud can be seen on-line here – http://www.wdcs.org/index2.php -Ends- Note to Editors 1. WDCS Established back in 1987, the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS), is the leading global charity dedicated to the conservation and welfare of all whales and dolphins (also known as cetaceans). In short, we are the world voice for the protection of these animals, creating pressure to bring about change. 2. Reference: WDCS rebuttal to the IWC Chairman and Vice-Chair release: http://www.wdcs.org/lead_campaign_details.php?select=630 IWC Chairman and Vice-Chair press release: http://iwcoffice.org/_documents/commission/IWC62docs/press%20release.pdf WDCS analysis of the ‘deal’: http://www.wdcs.org/submissions_bin/iwc_whaling_proposal_2010.pdf