Welsh Assembly restriction on scallop dredging doesn’t go far enough says Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society

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Today’s announcement by The Welsh Assembly confirming restrictions on scallop dredging in Cardigan Bay from March 1st has been met with mixed emotions by The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) who, whilst praising the steps that have been taken to limit the considerable damage already caused by this practice, have also expressed disappointment and concern that the new restricted zones will still leave some areas of this important habitat exposed. In 2009 WDCS became very concerned about the amount of scallop dredging that was being carried out in Cardigan Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC) - one of only three sites in the UK designated to protect bottlenosed dolphins. Scallop dredging is an extremely damaging form of fishery that effectively 'ploughs' the sea bed and destroys habitats. Having failed to get a reasonable response from the Welsh Assembly Government on this matter, WDCS then led a consortium of local conservation groups in taking a complaint to the European Commission over the Assembly’s failure to protect the habitats of the SAC. Consequently, the EU agreed there was a case to answer and started negotiations with the Welsh Assembly. Whilst pleased that the Welsh assembly has now announced that all Special Areas of Conservation in Welsh waters – with one small exception - will be closed to scallop dredging, Mick Green, consultant to WDCS remains cautious. "We have been concerned with the Assembly's refusal to discuss these issues with us but this appears to be a generally welcome decision. However, WDCS remains concerned and disappointed that a significant part of the Cardigan Bay SAC will be open for dredging, and we are waiting to see the assessment of the impacts that the Assembly are required to carry out before we make a final judgment on this. We hope this heralds a move to sustainable fishing management in Welsh waters." -Ends- For more information, please contact the WDCS Press Office on 01249 449 534, 07834 498 277 or email press@wdcs.org www.wdcs.org Notes to Editors: The New Scalloping Regulations: • From 2011, shortening the length of the open season by one month • Prohibiting dredging for scallops up to one nautical mile off the Welsh coast • A dredging ban for scallops in certain areas which have been identified as important to vulnerable marine species and habitats • A restriction on numbers of dredges allowed in Welsh waters • A limit on the maximum vessel engine power a map of the closed areas can be found at; http://wales.gov.uk/docs/drah/publications/100203scallopsummarymapen.pdf and this can be compared with the protected areas shown on page 12 here: http://wales.gov.uk/docs/desh/consultation/090916marineprotectareasen.pdf