WindowMaster International A/S: Annual General Meeting 2022
Company Announcement No. 026 – 2022
Copenhagen, April 20, 2022
The company’s Annual General Meeting was held today, April 20, 2022, at Skelstedet 13, 2950 in Vedbæk.
The shareholders approved the following agenda items as recommended by the Board of Directors.
Agenda item 1. Board of Directors’ report on the company’s activities in the past financial year The Chairman reported that WindowMaster generated revenue in 2021 of 211.4 mDKK and noramlized EBITDA of 13.7 mDKK. The Chairman of the Meeting concluded that the Annual General Meeting had taken account of the report. |
Agenda item 2. Presentation and approval of the audited annual reportT he chairman of the meeting concluded that the annual report was uninamously adopted and that the Board of Directors were granted discharge uninamously by the Annual General Meeting. |
Agenda item 3. Approval of the remuneration of the Board of Directors for the current financial year The shareholders approved the following remuneration for the Board of Directors for the current financial year: Chairman - DKK 375,000. Vice chairman - DKK 200,000. Board Member - DKK 125,000. The chairman of the meeting concluded that the proposal for remuneration for the Board of Directors for the current financial year was uninamously adopted by the Annual General Meeting. |
Agenda item 4. Decision on the use of profit or the covering of loss according to the approved annual report The chaiman of the meeting concluded that the proposal by the Board of Directors was uninamously adopted by the Annual General Meeting. |
Agenda item 5. Election of members to the Board of Directors | |
Re-election of Lars Fournais | FOR |
Re-election of Michael Gaarmann | FOR |
Re-election of Erik Koch Boyter | FOR |
Re-election of Mette Søs Lassesen | FOR |
Re-election of Leif Jensen The chaiman of the meeting concluded that all the members of the Board of Directors were re-elected by the Annual General Meeting. |
Agenda item 6. Election of auditor The chaiman of the meeting concluded that Deloitte were re‐appointed as the Company’s auditors. |
Agenda item 7. Any proposals from the Board of Directors or shareholders. No proposals had been received from the Board of Directors or shareholders prior to the AGM. |
Agenda item 8. Other issues There were no further questions or comments from the shareholders. |
For further information:
CEO, Erik Boyter
M: +45 4035 0267
WindowMaster International A/S
Skelstedet 13
2950 Vedbæk
Certified Advisor
Grant Thornton
Jesper Skaarup Vestergaard
Direct(+45) 35 27 50 11, Mobile (+45) 31 79 90 00
Grant Thornton
Stockholmsgade 45
2100 Copenhagen Ø