WindowMaster International A/S: WindowMaster acquires the Danish company Climatic A/S to capture market share
Company Announcement No. 009 – 2021
Copenhagen, 15th of February, 2021
Today WindowMaster International has agreed to acquire 100% of the shares in Danish-based company Climatic A/S. The transaction value amounts to DKKm 7.5 for the purchase of the shares with final closing expected on the 26th of February 2021.
WindowMaster is a market leader in natural and heat & smoke ventilation. This strategic acquisition is part of the company’s growth strategy and endeavors to create unique market positions for cleantech indoor climate solutions using natural, hybrid and smoke ventilation.
The acquisition allows WindowMaster to strengthen its service operation, execution of building projects, supplying consultancy services and products for indoor climate solutions. This enables us to expand market capacity to accommodate the expected growth in new build and renovation projects due to increased demand in cleantech ventilation solutions and execute on our strong opportunity pipeline.
The acquisition is not expected to materially impact the financial leverage for 2021.
“This is yet another step for WindowMaster to fulfil its long-term strategy of 5-10% annual organic growth from 2022 combined with carrying out strategic acquisitions. I believe this transaction complements our business areas well and advances our ambitions with all our stakeholders and confirms our leading position in the Danish market”, CEO at WindowMaster Erik Boyter says in a comment to the acquisition.
WindowMaster acquires all Climatic A/S activities. The current director and all employees will continue employment as part of WindowMaster to ensure a successful integration and harvest syngergies and growth opportunities.
Climatic A/S was founded in 1973 by blacksmith Poul H. Jensen under the name of PHJ Glas & Klima. The company has since then mainly specialized in sales and services in heat & smoke ventilation as well as natural ventilation markets. Climatic has since 2016 been majority owned by the company director Rasmus Plougmann and family.
The purchase price of DKK 7.5 million will be paid partially in cash while the remaining amount is paid in new WindowMaster-shares at the applicable market price (average share price of 5 stock days before Board approval of agreement) equivalent to a total amount of DKK 1.5 million. The new shares are subject to minimum 6 months lock up from closing.
For further information:
CEO, Erik Boyter
M: +45 4035 0267
WindowMaster International A/S
Skelstedet 13
2950 Vedbæk
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