WindowMaster International A/S: WindowMaster International A/S APPOINTS LAGO KAPITAL AS LIQUIDITY PROVIDER
Company Announcement No. 030-2022
Vedbæk, November 18, 2022
WindowMaster International has entered into a Liquidity providing (LP) agreement with Lago Kapital Ltd.
According to the agreement Lago Kapital Ltd will quote bids and offers for WindowMaster International A/S' share within the framework for NASDAQ First North Growth Market Copenhagen rules for liquidity provision. The spread of the bid and offer prices is a maximum of 4 per cent calculated on the bid price. The quotes on bid and offer must be at least 15 000 DKK worth of shares. The intention is to promote liquidity in the share.
Liquidity Providing in accordance with the agreement will commence on 22. November 2022.
For further information:
CEO, Erik Boyter
M: +45 4035 0267
WindowMaster International A/S
Skelstedet 13
2950 Vedbæk
Certified Advisor
Grant Thornton
Jesper Skaarup Vestergaard
Direct(+45) 35 27 50 11, Mobile (+45) 31 79 90 00
Grant Thornton
Stockholmsgade 45
2100 Copenhagen Ø