Winterhalters star in Hollywood Blockbuster…

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Bradley Cooper’s chef in ‘Burnt’ values the cleanest crocks

As if we needed proof that chefs are the new rock and roll, über-sex symbol Bradley Cooper is the star in ‘Burnt,’ where he plays a Michelin-star chef.  For the kitchen scenes the producers wanted the very best equipment – the sort of appliances a real Michelin chef would demand.  Having got the full SP on what they needed from their foodservice consultants, they approached Winterhalter for the warewashers. 

“The film set looks great, it’s all about accuracy in terms of how a top commercial kitchen works,” says Paul Crowley, marketing manager of Winterhalter UK.  “I’m pleased to say stardom hasn’t turned the heads of our dishwashers and glasswashers – they’re still the hardworking, reliable workhorses they were before Hollywood came calling.” 

The film also stars Sienna Miller, Omar Sy, Daniel Brühl, Matthew Rhys, Uma Thurman and Emma Thompson and opens on October 23 2015 in the USA. 

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Winterhalter stars in Hollywood BlockbusterSep-15

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