Jan Werne new CEO of Sign On

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Jan Werne new CEO of Sign On The board of Sign On has decided to appoint Jan Werne as the new CEO of Sign On. Werne will take up the post with immediate effect. - Sign On's market position with respect to management of electronic documents with signatures in combination with a clear demand among authorities and companies gives the company enormous potential for development. For me, accepting the position of CEO is a new challenge, where the challenge lies in taking a market-leading role within the electronic documents market segment, where growth is expected, says Jan Werne Sign On's new CEO. - By appointing Werne the board of Sign On has shown that Sign On must move from being technology-focused to being market-orientated. The focus must be on making headway with sales and Werne is the right man for the job, comments Franco Fedeli, chairman of the board of Sign On. Jan Werne is 50 years old and comes to us from Utfors, where he was CEO and group president until the end of 2002. - I welcome the board's decision as Wernes long managerial experience and strong focus on sales and marketing is perfect now when Sign On is moving on from the stage of being a development company, comments executive Vice President Andreas Halvarsson. For further information: Franco Fedeli, chairman of the board of Sign On, tel +46 8 555 290 00 Jan Werne, CEO Sign On, tel +46 70 848 25 40 Andreas Halvarsson, executive Vice President Sign On, tel: +46 (0)8-555 290 07, +46 (0)70-545 95 95, e-mail: andreas.halvarsson@signon.se ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/02/07/20030207BIT00440/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/02/07/20030207BIT00440/wkr0002.pdf