WntResearch restarts the NeoFox study in Hungary

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The Hungarian health authorities now considers the COVID-19 pandemic under control, and Hungarian hospitals are thus able to resume normal operation. Following this notification, WntResearch has decided to start the NeoFox study in Hungary. 

After consulting Cato/SMS and Optimapharm, WntResearch has decided to restart NeoFox in Hungary. The Spanish part of the NeoFox study is considered to resume in September, due to the severe strain put on the Spanish healthcare system during the COVID-19 peak and with consideration to the low patient recruitment rate last August.

An initial assessment of the respective risk of relapse has been conducted in the existing patient group, that is, the patients that fulfil the inclusion criteria that WntResearch has specified with respect to the stage of the primary tumour. A total of 44 patients have been included in the study, three of which mistakenly included, and two patients have dropped out of the study. Of the remaining 39 patients eligible for assessment, complete information is lacking for two patients due to the clinics' visiting restrictions and excessive workload during the COVID-19 outbreak. The statistical calculations are based on a 70 percent accuracy of the preliminary diagnostics. Following the early measures taken during the study, accuracy is now 68 percent and seems to be increasing. On the basis of previously scientifically published information about WNT5A expression in this patient group, 8 patients in each group are now considered assessable according to the criteria specified for the study.

In conjunction with the company focusing its activities fully on conducting the NeoFox study, Tommy Andersson has chosen to reduce his engagement; he will instead focus on the scientific aspects of the study and will act as scientific advisor.

"A restart as early as June in Hungary is a very positive development; it gives us the opportunity to concentrate resources and get off the ground quickly in a new country. The activation of the Hungarian clinics stalled as visiting restrictions were imposed due to COVID-19, but the preparations to resume are now underway. We are expecting the first clinics to start recruiting patients as early as the beginning of July, which is much sooner than we dared to envisage. Tommy Andersson will now be able to focus his efforts on the scientific basis of the study, which relieves him from the day-to-day practice of the managing body. I look forward to Tommy's continued contributions to our scientific efforts," says Peter Morsin, CEO of WntResearch.

For more information, please contact:

Peter Morsing, CEO, WntResearch AB
E-mail: pm@wntresearch.com

Telephone: +46 727 200711

This information is information that WntResearch AB is obliged to make public

pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency

of the contact person set out above, on 22 June 2020.

About WntResearch

WntResearch is a research and development company in oncology that develops new treatments intended to inhibit metastasis formation in cancers. The Company focuses on WNT5A, a protein that suppresses the metastatic process in the body; the vision is for cancer patients to no longer have to endure metastasis. Today, one in every three people will develop cancer during their lifetimes, and 90 percent of all cancer-related deaths are caused by metastases. Even though cancer treatment has become more effective, there are no effective methods to prevent the formation of metastasis. The drug candidate Foxy-5 mimics WNT5A’ s ability to reduce the mobility and thus the spread of cancer cells. Foxy-5 has demonstrated a good safety profile with few adverse effects in two clinical phase I studies. An ongoing clinical phase II study is currently being conducted on patients with colon cancer with the Company's drug candidate Foxy-5. According to the Company's assessment, Foxy-5 is the only drug candidate of its kind, with a unique mode of action in an area where other drug or treatment options are lacking. WntResearch’s share is listed on Spotlight Stock Market. For more information, please visit: www.wntresearch.com


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