Global survey sees seven out of 10 people supporting global rules to end plastic pollution

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  • Poll of over 20,000 people across 34 countries shows overwhelming support for world’s first ever plastic treaty to create binding global rules that apply to all countries rather than a voluntary global agreement where governments can choose whether or not to take action.
  • Over the next two years, the negotiating process will expose fault lines and differences between countries seeking a clear set of global rules for all versus those calling for less restrictive voluntary approaches, which have largely failed to address the crisis to date. 
  • WWF and Plastic Free Foundation call on governments to act in unison in establishing a plastics treaty with global rules as this is the only real solution to help achieve a circular economy, keeping plastic in the economy but out of nature.

GLAND, SWITZERLAND (23 November 2022) – Ahead of next week’s inaugural negotiations on what will be included in the UN’s plastics treaty, WWF and Plastic Free Foundation release an Ipsos survey showing that an average of seven out of 10 people polled across 34 countries believe that the treaty should create binding global rules to end plastic pollution. This finding supports a growing number of UN member states that are pushing for the world’s first ever plastic pollution treaty to include global rules and regulations for the production, design and disposal of plastic rather than a patchwork of national or voluntary standards.

While some countries are advocating for less binding approaches, this research shows very little support for voluntary arrangements, with an average of only 14% of people thinking this is preferable. The large majority of citizens want to see a comprehensive set of measures included in the treaty: nearly 8 in 10 support rules for making producers more responsible for the plastic they generate, bans on difficult-to-recycle plastics, and labelling requirements (see notes for the survey findings). 

The survey, which polled 23,029 respondents online, is the first body of research to explicitly ask citizens from around the world about what a global treaty to address plastic consumption and pollution should look like, and what particular rules people think are important or unimportant.

“Through Plastic Free Foundation’s initiatives like Plastic Free July, hundreds of millions of people from all corners of the world have taken personal action to reduce their plastic waste but many are also realising that their individual responsibility must be matched and accompanied by global and systemic action for the world to make a dent in reversing our devastating plastic pollution footprint. This survey is further proof that there is broad and overwhelming public demand for an ambitious global plastic pollution treaty that makes governments and companies more responsible for the plastic they produce,” said Rebecca Prince-Ruiz, Founder and Executive Director, Plastic Free Foundation.

Negotiations for this treaty are set to take place in a series of Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee meetings, with the first starting in Uruguay on 28 November, and the treaty’s negotiations are expected to be concluded by 2024.

During the two-year negotiation period alone, the total amount of plastic pollution in the ocean is tipped to increase by 15%. Currently, more than 2,000 animal species have encountered plastic pollution in their environment, and nearly 90% of studied species are known to be negatively affected. Failure by negotiators to agree on an ambitious treaty will continue the trend of ineffective government responses to the global plastic pollution problem which has seen the crisis spiral out of control over the last decade.

To help UN policy makers make the most of this once-in-a-generation opportunity, WWF has also published a report identifying the key mechanisms needed to unlock systemic change across the global plastics economy. The report details why binding global rules - rather than the current mixture of voluntary national approaches - are needed to drive systemic change at the speed and scale that can stop the surge of plastic waste doing further damage to the economy, the environment, and human health.

In particular, the treaty must establish concrete measures, including global product and material bans, mandatory requirements for design, labelling and information-sharing to facilitate a circular economy, and improvements in collection and waste management. For the world to make any meaningful progress in reducing global plastic waste, these measures must be designed to reduce plastic pollution at source by banning the most harmful and problematic types of single-use plastics, fishing gear, and microplastics.

“People are confused and increasingly frustrated by the complex and often contradictory responses to the plastic pollution crisis from governments and industry alike. Through the survey, we sought to understand what the citizens of the world want to see happen and with the report, we wanted to identify the most effective steps that governments can take during the negotiations. Both sets of research show unequivocal support and need for robust global regulation of plastics from production through to end-of-life management,” said Eirik Lindebjerg, Global Plastics Policy Lead, WWF International.

“Over the next two years, the negotiating process will likely expose fault lines and differences in what countries want from a global plastics treaty. We cannot allow laggards to determine our future and we urge governments to ensure that the urgency of the plastic pollution crisis we face - which has harmed our environments, ecosystems, and countless species including risking human health - is at the forefront of all of the choices they make. By 2025, we must have a treaty with teeth that is effective in ending plastic pollution.” 


For further information, and to arrange interviews with WWF experts, contact:


The following resources (embargoed until 23 November 2022 at 00:01 GMT) can be found here:

1)      Full findings of the global survey (Ipsos global report)

2)      Analysis of the survey findings (Rising Tides II)

3)      WWF report on why binding global rules are the best solutions, and how policymakers can bring this about (Towards a Treaty to End Plastic Pollution)

Support for global rules across all countries surveyed

This table shows opinions from people in all countries surveyed about specific global rules that could be included in a plastic pollution treaty. It shows the combined total of people who think these rules are important or very important. The full data will be published here.

How important or unimportant do you believe it is to have global rules to:


Ban unnecessary single-use plastics (%) Ban types of plastic that cannot be easily recycled (%) Make manufacturers and retailers responsible for reducing, re-using and recycling plastic packaging (%) Require all new plastic products to contain recycled plastic (%) Require labelling of plastic products so it’s clear how to responsibly sort for reuse, recycling or disposal (%)
Global country average 75 77 78 76 77
Argentina 81 85 83 83 83
Australia 79 78 81 78 80
Belgium 73 74 76 78 74
Brazil 70 76 76 76 76
Canada 69 72 74 72 74
Chile 82 84 83 84 84
China 81 82 85 79 84
Colombia 85 88 85 83 88
France 77 77 76 74 74
Germany 76 75 74 72 71
Great Britain 79 78 81 78 81
Hungary 74 75 79 78 80
India 78 79 78 80 79
Indonesia 80 83 85 81 84
Ireland 76 78 79 76 77
Israel 60 69 76 69 75
Italy 75 77 76 75 78
Japan 54 53 56 52 63
Malaysia 65 70 72 71 71
Mexico 87 85 86 87 88
Netherlands 68 70 76 73 68
Peru 82 87 85 85 84
Poland 76 75 69 73 75
Romania 78 79 82 80 82
Saudi Arabia 67 70 70 68 68
Singapore 69 74 77 76 79
South Africa 79 80 86 86 84
South Korea 82 83 76 80 80
Spain 78 79 78 77 77
Sweden 63 69 72 65 67
Thailand 79 75 80 78 81
Turkey 80 84 81 81 84
United Arab Emirates 72 74 76 72 74
United States 63 71 73 72 74

About WWF

WWF is an independent conservation organisation, with over 30 million followers and a global network active in nearly 100 countries. Our mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature, by conserving the world's biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption. Visit for the latest news and media resources; follow us on Twitter @WWF_media.

About Plastic Free Foundation

Plastic Free Foundation is a not-for-profit global social movement that stops around 300 million kgs of plastic polluting the world each year. With our Plastic Free July challenge and sharing of plastic free behaviours, we help people and their organisations and governments to contribute to a world without plastic waste. An estimated 140 million participants from 190 countries take part in Plastic Free July each year. Visit for more. For further media enquiries, please email

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