

“Bad subsidies undermine good management, while good subsidies support management, sustainability and development,”
Dr. Efransjah, CEO of WWF-Indonesia
By declaring more than one third of its waters as marine parks, Australia has made a major advance in marine conservation that is both nationally and globally significant. Coming on the eve of the Rio+20 summit on sustainable development, this is an inspiring outcome for other countries to follow
WWF-Australian CEO Dermot O’Gorman
Over the next 20 years, hundreds of millions of new consumers will be added to those already living in Asia and the Pacific today – driving up demand for energy, food, metals, and water. We need to create mechanisms that make protecting those resources the right economic choice for the communities that use and depend on them.
Jim Leape, Director General, WWF International
Fish are being taken out of the seas faster than they can be replenished, and in highly destructive means. This is why we all need to be more conscious of the seafood on our plates and start asking questions on where they came from and how they were caught
Bobby Chinn
“Steady progress is being made towards meeting the goal of doubling wild tiger numbers. But tiger range governments must urgently and seriously step up action to eliminate poaching if they do not want their investments to go to waste.”
Mike Baltzer, Leader of WWF’s Tigers Alive Initiative
Investors are uniquely placed to influence investee companies to adopt sustainable practices through active engagement and exercise of proxy voting rights, and through directing their investment capital towards sustainable palm oil producers,
Jeanne Stampe, co-author of the report
The number one threat to the survival of our Maui’s dolphins is fishing with nets. However with the population so perilously low, all other human threats including boat strike, seismic surveys and seabed mining (for minerals such as iron sands) need to be removed from their habitat to give these dolphins a fighting chance at survival. Extending the current sanctuary boundaries and imposing a suspension on these activities until they can be adequately assessed is crucial.
Milena Palka, WWF-New Zealand Marine Advocate
“From Beijing to Berlin, from Singapore to San Francisco, people turned out their lights to signal their concern about the future of our life on this earth
WWF International Director General Jim Leape
“Earth Hour has the power to connect people from all walks of live with the desire to protect the planet. We are thrilled that the great Sachin Tendulkar will use his voice to inspire action and help make a difference to the world we live in.”
Earth Hour Co-Founder and Executive Director, Andy Ridley said,
While capitalising on growth opportunities, it is necessary to build economies that manage natural capital wisely to ensure security and stability, and to protect unique ecosystems such as the Congo Basin and the coast of East Africa upon which millions people depend for their livelihood
Laurent Somé, Director of External Relations and Partnerships at the WWF Africa Programme
“No amount of public relations can change the fact that APP has bulldozed through their own 2004, 2007 and 2009 deadlines to stop feeding Sumatra’s natural forests through its pulp mills.
Rod Taylor, Director WWF International Forest Programme
“APP’s claims of sustainability are not convincing to a host of major companies that have ceased to buy paper products from them.”
Rod Taylor, Director WWF International Forest Programme
“APP should realise that performance, not promises and propaganda will get the world off its back. A key performance indicator would be for APP pulp mills to immediately halt all use of wood sourced by clearing tropical forests.”
Rod Taylor, Director WWF International Forest Programme
