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Breaking News : Liverpool Waters – Eric Pickles not to call in Liverpool Waters

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4 MARCH 2013

WYG has today received confirmation from the Secretary of State for Communities & Local Government that Peel Holdings’ controversial Liverpool Waters development will not be called in by the coalition Government. 

This decision means that Peel Holdings can now press ahead with the £5.5 billion investment that is expected to create up to 20,000 jobs in the city of Liverpool over the next three decades. The Liverpool Waters vision involves regenerating a 60 hectare historic dockland site to create a world class, mixed-use waterfront quarter which will house over 15,000 new residents.

Whilst Liverpool City Council voted to unanimously approve the 1.7 million square metre (18.2 million square feet) development on Liverpool’s iconic waterfront back in September 2012, objections were raised by English Heritage which focused on a cluster of six skyscrapers proposed for Central Docks within the World Heritage Buffer Zone. The application was automatically referred to the Secretary of State to consider whether it was in the national interest to call in the decision.

The WYG team, led by Regional Director for Planning, Paul Grover, has been involved since 2008. Paul said: “The scheme has set new precedents in terms of scale of a single planning application and it is testament to our negotiating strengths, patience and sheer determination that the decision to approve the scheme by Liverpool City Council has not been called in by the Secretary of State.”

Paul added: “Not only does this decision by the Rt Hon Eric Pickles demonstrate faith in local democracy as advocated through the Localism Act 2011, it also confirms our long-held belief that Liverpool Waters will deliver positive economic change in an area of high deprivation.”

Ian Pollitt, Liverpool Waters Project Manager for Peel Holdings stated: “WYG’s breadth of in-house skill combined with their practical approach to resolving development challenges have been instrumental in steering Peel’s Liverpool Waters proposal through the ever-changing and ever-challenging UK planning system.” Ian added: “WYG has assisted us in overcoming many of the challenges Peel have faced in bringing forward the UK’s largest waterside regeneration project”.

Liverpool Waters and its sister project, Wirral Waters which received approval in 2010, together form Mersey Waters, one of the coalition Government’s first Enterprise Zones and the largest regeneration project in the UK. Mersey Waters is expected to inject over £10 billion into the Merseyside economy, generating economic ripples throughout the North West.

The Mersey Waters Enterprise Zone has already secured significant direct foreign investment from China through the Peel Holdings International Trade Centre, and is likely to shortly secure further direct investment from other BRICS nations. Over the last four years WYG has provided consultancy and secured outline planning consent for the Liverpool Waters development which will inject a further £5.5 billion of direct investment into the Zone.

According to Paul: ”The Secretary of State’s decision is perfectly timed, given that Liverpool is gearing up to host the International Festival for Business in 2014. The festival, which is anticipated to bring 250,000 visitors to the city from around the world, sends yet another positive message to the international market that the Liverpool is open for business.”


Picture: Project visualisation of the Liverpool Waters scheme courtesy of RUST Design 

Louise Gardner, PR and Communications Executive

Arndale Court, Headingley, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS6 2UJ
Tel:  : 44 (0)113 278 7111
Email:  GroupCommuncations@wyg.com
Twitter: @wyggroup 

Notes to Editors

One of the top-ranking global consultancies employing around 1,400 people, WYG is behind some of the world’s most challenging projects. Our specialists provide expert advice and project management support that is helping shape landscapes, infrastructure, society and culture in the developed and developing world.

We advise on planning and transport, provide engineering and environmental services, consult on waste and resource management, and deliver support to enable economic and social reform.

By engaging with clients at an early stage we ensure that decisions are made which will maximise a project’s potential and deliver our client’s strategic objectives. In turn, this builds strong and lasting relationships with clients in each of our seven core sectors:

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WYG has an international presence with offices throughout the UK, and in Eastern Europe, the Middle East & North Africa, and South Africa.

Media pack

For further information on Liverpool Waters click here

A video promotion of the Liverpool Waters development can be found here

