Paranormal Romance Author Lynn Rush Interview at Rue View
Awaited (Novel 2 in the Wasteland Trilogy) - Russell Leonard is a centuries-old Guardian who’s lost faith in his purpose. So when he’s charged with procuring the first female Guardian in over two centuries, he can only hope it’s the red-headed beauty who’s been haunting his dreams for months. And if it is, he intends to claim her as his. But when he finds his dream woman, Annabelle is mute and bears no Guardian’s Mark. Awaited Release: May 2012
Original Posting:
1. Any new projects coming up?
Awaited, the second book in the Wasteland trilogy releases May 1. I’m super excited for my strapping young—well, four-century old—Guardian’s story to hit the shelves. Following closely on the heels of Awaited is the first of a new trilogy, Violet Midnight. It takes a step away from the Guardians and into a world of Vampires and Hunters. And of course love. J
2. Do you find it hard to share your work with others?
Sometimes I do. I once equated sharing my work to standing naked in a room with windows that had no coverings. Artists, whether it’s writing, drawing, painting, dancing…bare their souls in their work, so that’s a little vulnerable. But the excitement and satisfaction of sharing my work overrides the difficulties hands down. I love this journey I’m on! J
3. What is your opinion on people who post bad reviews?
I know my novels won’t please everyone. I mean, if everyone liked the exact same things, the world would be pretty boring, right? So, if I get a review from someone who voices their dislike for the book, I still thank them. Really, it doesn’t reflect poorly on the person writing the review, they’re just sharing their opinion. Honestly, I don’t love every book I read, I can’t expect everyone to love my book when they read it.
4. Do you have any particular networking groups you would like to share that have helped you move forward with your success?
I love Facebook! A close second and third is Twitter and Pinterest. It’s such fun interacting with reader, friends, family. I share a lot about my writing journey on those outlets and have gotten to meet tons of people I wouldn’t have so I’m sure it’s had some impact on my success, but it’s not my main focus. I really do enjoy hanging out online with people.
5. Have you made any mistakes along the way...for example, do you want to share anything be it a publishing company/agency that people should avoid?
Oh yes. I’ll still make them, I’m sure, but the main one was sending out a manuscript without having found a critique group yet. I had no clue what I was doing in the beginning. I’d not planned on stepping onto this writing path, so when I did, I was green. I had no clue how to proceed. So, thank you to those agents who helped me along … For their patients and kindness. The same goes with my fellow writers. It’s amazing how many people came beside me to help me along the way. I’m so blessed.
6. Any favorite bands? Do you use music to inspire you as you create your art?
Skillet. They are my absolute favorite band. Their energy and heart-pumping hard rock get me going. It’s especially fun to listen to them while writing fight scenes. Love it!
7. Do you prefer YA or Adult?
Being that I write New Adult, which is between YA and Adult, I’m sticking with the middle! **LOL** No … seriously, I enjoy both. The last few novels I’ve read have been YA and I really enjoy that sweet side of romance. First kisses. First Dates. Things like that.
8. Any shout outs to people who have helped you along the way?
Oh yes. There are tons of people who have helped me. I’ve actually started something on my blog called This Writer’s Journey. I take Fridays and spotlight people I’ve met along the way. But to name a few here are Diana Sharples, Rachelle Gardner, Rebecca Zanetti, Kendall Grey, Rachel Firasek, Ciara Knight. There are many more, but this article would be way too long if I listed them all! J
9. Do you prefer technical or free style writing?
Free Style. I’m in the middle of writing a novel that occurred to me while I was sitting on my couch listening to some music. I seriously just opened a word document and saved it as “story idea” then started typing. I hit four thousand words that day. So I’m all about the free style writing.
10. Do you like vampires who sparkle or bite?
11. The last thing you ever want to hear.
Well done good and faithful servant.
12. Dream place to live and why?
Cayman Islands. Ohhhhh….LOVE LOVE LOVE it there. I’ve been lucky enough to visit that island twice in my life. I would love to have a home there so I could snorkel every day, run along the beach, and sit in a lounger reading/writing all day long.
13. Why do you think that the paranormal genre is so popular?
For me personally, I love the escape. I get to go to a world, whether I’m reading or writing, and forget reality. Forget troubles. Forget limitations. I get to jump into something where the unusual is the norm.
14. facebook or google+? Who wins in your book?
Facebook. Hands Down. I love hanging out on Facebook. I’m at LynnRushWrites if you want to say hi. I love interacting with my readers. It feels more interactive than Google+
15. Are you on goodreads? If so, please share your page address and has it helped you reach more fans?
I am on Goodreads ( Actively. It ranks up there with Twitter, Facebook & Pinterest for sure. I’ve had the chance to interact with fans while discussing books, and not just mine. It’s a great community!
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