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PRESS RELEASE         October 14, 2010 at 09:00          
INDUSTRY HAS SIGNIFICANT OPPORTUNITIES TO IMPROVE ENERGY EFFICIENCY               In 2008, the Finnish industrial sector consumed 157,000 GWh of energy, i.e.      about half of all energy consumed in Finland. As the scale is large, so are the  opportunities for achieving reductions in energy consumption. Energy efficiency  can be improved by means such as the selection of equipment, the method of       running a process, modernisation, and maintenance.                                A prime example of a large-scale energy conservation project is the Outokumpu    steel mill in Tornio where YIT is carrying out a ground-breaking endeavour. This marks the first industrial application of absorption technology in Finland. In   this application, the district heating produced from the recovered excess        process heat is utilised to generate cooling energy to replace 50 stand-alone    cooling units installed at the cold-rolling section of the Outokumpu factory.    This energy efficiency project will enable the factory to achieve an annual      reduction of 11 GWh in the consumption of electrical power. Furthermore, the new system will enable a reduction of 6,700 tonnes in carbon dioxide emissions.       YIT has in recent years been responsible for about 30% of the industrial         energy-efficiency investments carried out in Finland.                             Finnish energy-efficiency expertise in demand as far as in China                  China has set itself the objective of reducing its greenhouse emissions by 40%   by the year 2020. China Development Bank has been seeking out companies with     expertise in energy and environmental technology in different countries with the purpose of enlisting their assistance in this climate-related endeavour. YIT     signed a letter of intent for the development of the energy efficiency of        China's industry, and is the only partner chosen from Finland. China Development Bank will be proposing potential production plants in which YIT would have the   opportunity to plan and carry out these energy-efficiency projects.               - China's industry represents an enormous potential for energy-efficiency        improvement and there is a great need for experts in this field in China. In     Finland, our way of doing things is to provide a complete service, which         includes pinpointing targets in which reductions and conservation measures can   be implemented, planning and implementing these, assisting in the arrangement of project financing, and providing performance guarantees There is demand in China for this kind of a concept. Service providers and equipment suppliers do exist   there, but no such players provide complete services, says project director Eero Siitonen.                                                                         YIT develops and creates EnergyGenius solutions and services for homes and       business premises as well as for industry and infrastructure.                   

Additional information: YIT, Industrial and Network Services Ltd, Director, Project Development Eero Siitonen, tel. 0400 423 504 YIT Industrial and Network Services Ltd, Vice President, Seppo Hyppönen, tel. 0400 702 797


Virva Salmivaara Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications

Distribution: Principal media,

YIT is a leading European service company in building systems, construction services and services for industry. We build, develop and maintain quality living environments in the Nordic countries, Central Europe, Russia and the Baltic countries. In 2009, YIT's revenue amounted to EUR 3.5 billion. The Group employs over 25,500 people. YIT's share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. YIT offers planning, investment, and maintenance services for industrial production processes and equipment, and industrial buildings. YIT is the market leader in Finland as a provider of energy-efficiency services for industrial applications and buildings.
