YIT started several residential construction projects in January–March 2022
YIT Corporation Investor News 27 April 2022 at 9:00 a.m.YIT started several residential apartment building projects in Finland and the CEE countries in January-March 2022. The largest of the new projects in Finland and the CEE countries included As Oy Espoon Harmaaniitty, As Oy Hämeenlinnan Tempo, As Oy Helsingin Gunnel, As Oy Helsingin Berkka, As Oy Tampereen Kanavansilta, as well as the 10th phase of the Piliamiestis project in Kaunas, Lithuania, and Magnolia 2 in Bratislava, Slovakia. The total value of the aforementioned largest projects is close to EUR 130 million. The start-ups