YIT started several residential construction projects in October–December 2021
YIT Corporation Investor News 21 January 2022 at 9:00 a.m.YIT started several residential apartment building projects in Finland, the CEE countries and Russia in October–December 2021. The largest projects started in Finland and the CEE countries during the period were As Oy Helsingin Presso, As Oy Espoon Bulevardi, As Oy Tampereen Teekkari, As Oy Helsingin Waltari, As Oy Espoon Prenikka, As Oy Tampereen Ylärima, As Oy Tampereen Kanavanluotsi and Tornio, which is part of the Lappi Hloubetin project in Prague, Czech Republic. In Russia, YIT began construction on two new apartment