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  • Can St Mark’s Gospel explain belief, persecution and suffering in the modern age? Join the debate at York Minster’s – “Discovering St Mark’s Gospel”

Can St Mark’s Gospel explain belief, persecution and suffering in the modern age? Join the debate at York Minster’s – “Discovering St Mark’s Gospel”

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8th and 15th October 2014

An exploration of St Mark’s Gospel will be the focus of the next two events in York Minster’s Adult Learning Programme 2014.   

“Discovering Mark’s Gospel” will unlock the social, political and religious events that took place more than 2000 years ago and the people, influences and adventures that shaped Mark’s faith, his beliefs and his writing of the gospels. 

Gospel readings in the Church of England take place on a revolving three year cycle drawing on the gospels of St Matthew, St Mark and St Luke.  From Advent Sunday 2014 until Advent Sunday 2015, the main Sunday service at York Minster will feature readings from the Gospel of St Mark. 

The two sessions will explore central themes in Mark’s writings including suffering, death and persecution and their meaning in the context of contemporary events – particularly in Syria, Iraq and parts of Africa.

“Discovering St Mark’s Gospel” will be led by York Minster’s Canon Chancellor, the Revd Chris Collingwood.  Commenting on the sessions, Chris said:

“There is real excitement in deconstructing a complex text that was written so long ago and in trying to understand what Mark was trying to convey about faith and belief in his time.  

“Learning to read St Mark’s Gospel in the light of our own experiences and against the backdrop of modern conflicts and growing religious intolerance around the world will hopefully provide people with a challenging, thought provoking and new approach to St Mark’s teachings.”

“Discovering St Mark’s Gospel Part One” takes place at 7pm on Wednesday 8th October with “Discovering St Mark’s Gospel Part Two”  following a week later at 7pm on Wednesday 15th October.  The location for both events is the Upper Hall of the Old Palace, Dean’s Park York.  Entrance to the Old Palace will be via the West End gates to the park. Entry is free.


For further media information or photographs, please contact:

Sharon Atkinson

Director of Communications

York Minster

Tel:         01904 557248

Email:    sharona@yorkminster.org