Chance to see the world’s fastest animal at York Minster

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Visitors to York Minster’s Dean’s Park this summer are being offered the chance to see the world’s fastest animal close-up – with the help of the RSPB.

The nature conservation charity is holding two special events on Sunday 19 July and Saturday 8 August to raise awareness about Peregrine Falcons, after a pair took up residence at the Minster earlier this year.

Experts believed the two birds were showing signs of nesting and breeding but no chicks have been sighted, so it is thought the birds’ behaviour may just have shown them holding territory or that any eggs laid may not have survived.

The Peregrine pair – nicknamed Mr and Mrs Minster – is however still in residence on the gothic cathedral’s West End, and visitors to the RSPB stand will have the chance to see them up close using the RSPB’s powerful telescope.

Anthony Hills, RSPB Events Co-ordinator, said: “It is fantastic that the Peregrines have chosen York Minster as their home. Across the country we’ve seen increasing numbers of these magnificent birds after successful breeding on cathedrals and other high-rise buildings.

“Although the Minster’s Peregrines haven’t bred this year, it’s likely they will do so in the future – and hopefully they will continue to capture the attention of York’s residents and visitors.”

As well as learning about Peregrines, visitors will also be able to discover lots of wildlife-friendly gardening tips to help provide a home for nature, alongside finding out more about the RSPB’s reserves, volunteering, membership and its York Local Group.

The RSPB will be in Dean’s Park, which skirts the north side of York Minster, on Sunday 19 July and Saturday 8 August between 9am and 4pm.


For more information about York Minster please contact:

Leanne Woodhurst – Communications Manager – t: 01904 559534 m: 07824 017585

Sharon Atkinson – Director of Communications – t: 01904 557248 m: 07785 615457