York Minster brings Christmas online

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With the busiest time of the year fast approaching, York Minster is making its preparations and celebrations even more accessible with a series of e-festivities based around a new website, Facebook and Twitter!

“With so much going on over the coming weeks – from services and carol concerts to family trails and fun activity workshops – we’re embracing just about every possible new technology to make it easier than ever for people to find out what’s on and learn more about the traditions of Christmas,” explains marketing director, Nicola Bexon. “It is so easy for us all to get weighed down with all of the organisation that goes hand in hand with Christmas, but we’re hoping that we can provide a little escape from the hectic preparations, whether people are able to come into the Minster itself, or merely take inspiration from our online messages.”

A new website – http://christmas.yorkminster.org - will act as the information hub, but followers of York Minster on Facebook and Twitter will also receive exclusive content and previews of York Minster’s advent and Christmas celebrations.

The site will continue to develop throughout Advent, with thought-provoking podcasts explaining the true meaning of Christmas free to download every Monday, although followers of York Minster on Facebook and Twitter will be able to access them a day earlier. Indeed, the Minster’s tweets will continue right beyond the 40 days of Christmas, from the start of Advent on Sunday 27 November through Epiphany in January to Candlemas, which will be celebrated with a special concert on 2 February.

Anyone hoping to visit the Minster will be able to time their visit to co-incide with the wide range of services and family activities taking place, including the new exhibition, “Christmas Unwrapped”, making the Minster more welcoming than ever. “York Minster is a welcoming place, and once you have purchased a ticket, you can come back free for a whole year – we hope that both residents and visitors to York will take advantage of the warm welcome, whether they are looking to pop in for five minutes or stay for a whole day,” adds Dr Jonathan Draper, Canon Theologian.

Highlights of the Twitter and Facebook feed will include:

  • Daily photographs of York Minster taken from the photo libraries
  • The latest event information, and reminders of key services
  • A ‘thought for the day’ as Christmas approaches
  • Advance access to the new podcasts and exclusive videos
  • Fun trivia about Christmas past and present at York Minster

For more information, please visit http://christmas.yorkminster.org or follow York Minster on Facebook or York_Minster on Twitter.


For further media information, please contact:

Jay Commins


Tel: 0113 251 5698

Mob: 07810 546567

Email: jay@fim.org.uk


Lisa Sinclair

PR Officer, York Minster

Tel: 0844 939 0014

Email: lisas@yorkminster.org

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