What would British withdrawal from the EU imply for farm policy?

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Farmers are uncertain what impact a British exit from the European Union would have on their businesses.    This is not surprising as so far there has been little systematic exploration of these issues, says the Farmer-Scientist Network which has been set up by the Yorkshire Agricultural Society.

NB: Image available to download at the end of the release.

The Farmer-Scientist Network is based at the Great Yorkshire Showground, and has assembled a working party of CAP experts from economics, law and political science chaired by Professor Wyn Grant of Warwick University. North Yorkshire farmer, Bill Cowling, who is best known as the Honorary Show Director of the Great Yorkshire Show, is a working party member and is helping to identify the issues that concern farmers in particular.

He comments: “The impact of a possible withdrawal from the EU cannot be under estimated. The Yorkshire Agricultural Society was established to drive forward developments in farming, and it is anticipated that this Network will encourage a more informed debate in the event of a referendum.”

The Network has raised the point that Britain would be outside the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and would have to devise its own agricultural policy.   The shape of that policy would, however, be influenced by the form that the relationship with the EU took after exit and obligations under the international trade regime as Britain would remain a member of the World Trade Organisation.

Over the next few months the working party will examine:

  • Financial support for farmers post exit
  • The tariff regime that would be followed outside the EU
  • What would happen to environmental regulations
  • The availability of migrant labour


10 April 2015

Judy Thompson, PR Manager, Yorkshire Agricultural Society . Tel: 01423 546215 or email judyt@yas.co.uk


The Yorkshire Agricultural Society was formed in 1837 and is a charity dedicated to supporting the farming industry and rural life. This ranges from educational initiatives to the Society’s Nuffield Scholarships to hosting the Yorkshire Rural Support Network and Future Farmers of Yorkshire. The Society is based at the Regional Agricultural Centre, Great Yorkshire Showground, Harrogate; the RAC includes Fodder, the Society’s award winning regional food shop and café which opened in June 2009.

The Society is the organiser of the annual farming and country showcase, the Great Yorkshire Show and its sister event, Countryside Live. Both take place at the Great Yorkshire Showground, Harrogate, North Yorkshire and are flagship events for agriculture and rural life. 


