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Date & Time:   11am, Friday 29 January 2016

Venue:             Regional Agricultural Centre, Great Yorkshire Showground, Harrogate

Subject:           A Practical Insight into the Implication for Farmers of BREXIT

Contact:           Judy Thompson, PR Manager, Yorkshire Agricultural Society

                        01423 546215 or email judyt@yas.co.uk

Shall we Stay or Shall we Go?

An insight into the practical implications for farmers of both leaving and staying within Europe will be given at a media briefing by two nationally renowned academics and a Yorkshire farmer.

With the referendum on Europe gaining momentum, the briefing will preview a report by the Farmer-Scientist Network entitled “The implications of 'Brexit' for UK Agriculture” in advance of its official release on Thursday 4 February.

At the briefing, a snapshot will be given of what the agricultural landscape could look like covering both potential outcomes, including topics such as the impact on:

    • Exporting abroad & market access
    • Employing migrant labour – opportunities for boosting local employment or not
    • Cutting – or increasing red tape
    • Farm payments

Available for interview and photos are:

  • Prof Wyn Grant of the University of Warwick, who has 40 years’ experience including latterly as a national expert and commentator in agricultural politics.

  • Michael Caldwell, Professor of Agricultural Law at the University of Leeds.

  • Richard Findlay who farms at Whitby, North Yorkshire.

Also attending will be Nigel Pulling, CEO of the Yorkshire Agricultural Society which hosts the Farmer-Scientist Network, and Bill Cowling, who farms near Harrogate and until July 2015 was the Show Director of the Great Yorkshire Show and Countryside Live which are organised by the Yorkshire Agricultural Society.


Tuesday 16 February, at 6pm, Regional Agricultural Centre, Harrogate

The Farmer-Scientist Network BREXIT report will be unveiled at a meeting of the Future Farmers of Yorkshire when Prof Grant, Prof Caldwell, Richard Findlay and Chris Dickinson of the NFU will expand on its findings. There will also be a question and answer session.

Thursday 10 March at 6pm at Tennants Auctioneers, Leyburn

An opportunity for the public to attend a free open meeting to discuss the Farmer-Scientist Network BREXIT report and debate its implications.


22 January 2016

Judy Thompson, PR Manager, Yorkshire Agricultural Society - 01423 546215 or email judyt@yas.co.uk


The Yorkshire Agricultural Society was established in 1837 with the primary purpose of holding an agricultural show and for the furtherance and support of farming in the region. This ethos continues today, through its flagship events, the Great Yorkshire Show (Tues 12 – Thurs 14 July 2016) and Countryside Live, (Sat 22 and Sun 23 October 2016).  Year round it has an active programme of events and activities supporting the farming and rural communities, including Fodder, the award winning shop and café, the Yorkshire Rural Support Network, Future Farmers of Yorkshire, Farmer-Scientist Network and the Yorkshire Food, Farming and Rural Network. The Society is based at the Great Yorkshire Showground, Harrogate, N. Yorkshire. For more information see www.yas.co.uk

Farmer-Scientist Network

Hosted by the Yorkshire Agricultural Society, the Network brings together senior and successful scientists and farmers to advise UK policy makers on topics including ways in which new science and technology can underpin innovation in agriculture and problem solve. See www.farmerscientistnetwork.co.uk

