Quality control of biological pharmaceuticals
Attana AB, AstraZeneca, Akzo Nobel Pulp and Performance Chemicals AB and Karlstad University and three more partners have started a new project aiming at developing leading methods for quality control of production of biological pharmaceuticals.
Thursday November 30th the project BIO-QC "Quality Control and Purification of New Biological Pharmaceuticals" was initiated.
Biological pharmaceuticals are proteins or similar molecules, which mimics molecules in the body and are injected in the body to stimulate the immune system.
- The overall ambition of the project is to provide criteria’s for quality control of biological pharmaceuticals, says professor Torgny Fornstedt at Karlstad University and project coordinator.
The project has a budget of approximately €2 million and includes seven different parties, Attana AB, AstraZeneca, Akzo Nobel Pulp and Performance Chemicals AB and Ridgeview Instruments AB and Karlstad University, Linné University and Örebro University.