Insurers Support Important Auto Safety Legislation in Florida

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Tallahassee, Fla. – The Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI) today issued the following statement attributed to its regional manager Logan McFaddin regarding its support for Senate Bill 90, by Senator Keith Perry (R-Gainesville). The bill, relating to the Use of Wireless Communications Devices While Driving, was heard in the Senate Communications, Energy & Public Utilities, its first committee of reference.

“This is an important step for saving lives on Florida roads. By making texting while driving a primary offense, law enforcement can pull over drivers who are seen using their devices while driving. We encourage legislators to hold drivers accountable for their actions and hopefully prevent more fatal crashes.

“The distracted driving epidemic must be addressed. We need to change driver behavior, and we believe that toughening the distracted driving laws will save lives by encouraging people to think twice about picking up the phone while driving

“Safety is the first concern, but the increase in accidents also could be impacting consumers’ insurance costs. The recent spike in the number of auto accidents resulting from distracted driving comes at a time when repair, labor, medical and other costs associated with accidents are also rising.” 

