About Us

Since 1995, Safety Media has been seen as an industry leader in innovative learning solutions. With the ability to provide off-the-shelf packages along with bespoke tailor-made software, Safety Media can provide solutions for organisations of all sizes. Safety Media have been identified as a 'Fast Growth 50' company in Wales 3 times in the last 5 years and have twice been a finalist at the 'Product Innovation Awards' at the Health and Safety Expo. 2006 also saw a special mention for Safety Media at the '2006 E-learning Awards' for 'Innovative New Product in E-learning'. Safety Media were delighted to be short listed for the E-Learning Development Company of the Year at the E-Learning Awards 2009. Over 400 organisations now use the Safety Learning E-learning system from Safety Media. We like to develop close relationships with our clients and see customer satisfaction and retention as the key to our business.