

“We are pleased that these solar panels will enable Zenprop to make significant energy savings while cutting its carbon emissions. Such forward thinking companies will also benefit from reputational gains. For Zenprop the panels demonstrate to its tenants and future customers that it is committed to reducing its environmental impact.”
Gareth Warner, Managing Director, Solarcentury Africa
“At Solarcentury, we are always looking for ways to positively impact the environment. Working with Habitat Aid presents us with an exciting opportunity to improve biodiversity in solar parks, and it compliments our new partnership with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust. So as well as cutting carbon emissions, solar panels are also ideal for nurturing a diversity of flora and fauna because they can provide a greater range of dry and wet and shaded and sunny areas than fields without panels.”
Frans van den Heuvel, CEO of Solarcentury
“Whenever we develop a solar park, we plant acres of wildflower meadows with native seed mixes that are specifically designed to attract a diversity of wildlife. Our solar parks are fenced off, and frequently situated in remote areas, which creates a safe haven for wildlife. So in addition to generating clean, carbon-free energy, our solar parks are also helping to reinvigorate the much-loved British bumblebee.”
Frans van den Heuvel
“We are very excited about working with Solarcentury to enhance the prospects of Britain’s bumblebees, including the rarest Shrill carder and the Brown-banded carder species. Together, we want to improve the quantity and diversity of wildlife both within the solar parks and in nearby communities. We believe solar parks can breathe life into the bumblebee population and contribute to our vision of communities and countryside rich in bumblebees and colourful flowers.”
Lucy Rothstein, BBCT
“We are delighted to win the REA Project Award. The word iconic is used too freely but there is no other way to describe this project in the heart of London, crossing the Thames and in view of St Paul’s Cathedral.
Frans van den Heuvel
“It is hard to imagine a more dramatic project. It is a quarter of a kilometre in length, it’s on the roof of a railway station, and it spans one of the world’s most famous rivers.”
REA Chief Executive Gaynor Hartnell
