B2B? Dull it ain’t!

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Many in the marketing community, and in wider society, view the business to business sector (B2B) as inherently dull. To them, business is all about money, dreary processes and outcomes, and when it comes to industry or manufacturing, well, just don’t get them started on the tedium of widgets, whatsits and gismos!

Which just goes to show how wrong people can be.

I admit I’m biased; I run a B2B marketing and PR agency that specialises in technology. Nonetheless, our clients offer products and services that are vital for all of the things we do in life – that ensure our fresh water flows, that we have power at the flick of a switch, that our cars run reliably and that we can eat and drink what we like, when we like.

Without industry and commerce our world would, quite literally, fall apart.

It’s also fair to say that many people in manufacturing companies often lose sight of just what an exciting job their businesses do. In one sense, this is understandable; familiarity tends to dull the frisson of bringing new technology and ideas to market.

However, in another sense, companies often become inward looking, overly cautious and protective of the information they release. This mind-set might have been acceptable in the pre-digital era, but today every company needs to engage continuously at multiple levels, through multiple channels, with a managed flow of quality information and content if it is to succeed commercially.

Ultimately, it’s all about how you look at things. That’s where we come in; it’s our function to find the remarkable, innovative and revolutionary angles in what our clients do, in order to promote them successfully.

Here’s an interesting example. Dawson Shanahan is a light engineering company that manufactures component parts for customers across industry. The engineering processes used are much the same as many engineers, yet the finished products are often things of beauty, which makes them ideal for a creative approach, especially when it comes to photography.

We commissioned a leading photographer to come up with a sequence of images that we’re now using to differentiate Dawson Shanahan from its many competitors. The images are being used in traditional print and, most importantly, online channels as a means of generating engagement.

It’s an interesting and effective approach, and although it’s just one of many creative ideas that we’re employing for our Dawson Shanahan, it is something that more manufacturing companies should consider to counter the belief that claim B2B is boring.

This press information was written and distributed by 4CM. For further copies, colour separation requests, images or other details on 4CM, please contact us on 01296 660080 or email: info@4cm.co.uk

4CM Ltd is one of the UK’s oldest specialised B2B PR and marketing agencies.  Founded in 1981 the company works with clients in the technical, scientific, manufacturing and process sectors, providing a range of services from research and strategic marketing, through PR, advertising, direct mail and graphic design.
The company is still run by founder Nick Brooks




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