AcadeMedia’s Compulsory School Segment clarifies pedagogic offer and launches new educational profiles

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In 2011 AcadeMedia acquired “Pysslingen förskolor och skolor”, a group of well-run pre- and compulsory school units with a variety of pedagogics. AcadeMedia’s Compulsory School Segment will now take steps to provide clarity on the differences between the existing units, grouping those with similar pedagogies and governance under the same educational profile.  

This shift will result in 28 of the Pysslingen Skolor branded units will change their names – 22 to Noblaskolan and six to Montessori Mondial. This change will occur 14 October 2020.

AcadeMedia’s Compulsory School Segment is run under three educational profiles, Vittra, Pops Academy, and Pysslingen Skolor. The expansion of these, from three to five, clarifies the pedagogical offer and the profiles’ value proposition to parents, carers, and children as well as to current and future employees.

- We are convinced that clear educational profiles make it easier for parents, carers, and students to make an informed school choice based on their expectations and needs. In the same way, this clarity creates a better organisational context for our employees, which is an important component of strengthened collegial learning, says Jens Eriksson, head of the Upper Secondary School Segment and the Compulsory School Segment.

The shift is an important step in AcadeMedia’s efforts to reach our long-term goal: to be a leader in learning, attracting personnel and students, efficiency, and innovative development.

Fast Facts:

As of 14 October 2020, AcadeMedia’s Compulsory School Segment will consist of 112 units, 75 compulsory schools and 37 integrated preschools, under five different educational profiles: 

  • Pysslingen Skolor: 45 units, of which 14 are integrated preschools. The schools are characterised by a focus on exceptional quality, student’s well-being, and strategies for better learning.
  • Vittraskolorna: 37 units, of which 14 are integrated preschools. A socially engaged school where each child is prepared with both knowledge and courage to enable them to feel better prepared to participate in and influence society for the better.
  • Pops Academy: Two units with the belief that music and creativity provide favourable conditions for learning and development. Music, song, and dance are the common threads through the education offered, combined with qualitative teaching, calm study environment and clear structure.
  • Noblaskolorna: 22 units, of which 8 are integrated preschools. The schools work according to the motto that students who are challenged achieve more. Through a combination of experienced teachers, clear structure and ample support, students will get the best conditions for an excellent education.
  • Montessori Mondial: Six units, of which one is an integrated preschool. Montessori Mondial employs the modern and results-oriented Montessori pedagogy with specialist trained teachers and beneficial learning environments.

For more information, please contact:

Jens Eriksson, head of the Upper Secondary School Segment and the Compulsory School Segment
Telephone: +46 8 794


Eva-Lotte Stavle, operations manager of Montessori Mondial and Noblaskolan
Telephone: +46 76 872 98 06

Hanna Clausén, Investor Relations
Telephone: +46 8 794 42 62

About AcadeMedia
AcadeMedia creates opportunities for people to develop. The 17,600 employees at our 661 preschools, compulsory schools, upper secondary schools and adult education centres share a common focus on quality and development. Our 182,000 children and students are provided with a high quality education, giving them the best conditions to attain both learning objectives and their full potential as individuals. AcadeMedia is Northern Europe ́s largest education company, with locations/facilities/presence in Sweden, Norway and Germany. Our size gives us the capacity to be a robust, long term partner to the communities we serve. More information about AcadeMedia is available on