Affärsverken and AddSecure develop unique solution for Smart Grids

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In collaboration with the electrical grid owner Affärsverken in Karlskrona Elnät AB, AddSecure has developed a solution that will optimize electrical power systems.

AddSecure, a leading European provider of premium solutions for secure critical communications and data, has together with Affärsverken in Karlskrona Elnät AB, developed a new solution for smart electrical grids. The analysis and data provided, support the decision-making for operations and investments in distribution networks. The project is specially selected, and funded by the Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten).

– There is currently no comparable solution on the market! Through this solution we can increase the energy efficiency and reduce the number of customers that gets affected by interruptions. And on top of that – reduce the energy costs, says Erling Gustafsson,
Business Manager, AddSecure Smart Grids.

In the long term, this solution can be used by all grid companies in Sweden. This means a digital transformation of the companies, who can optimize their electrical power system through energy measurement, data collection and analysis.

Smart cities demand sustainable solutions

The digitalization creates great opportunities for development in the energy sector just as for all other areas of society. The smart homes of the future and the Smart Cities are placing higher demands on the electrical power system. The societies of the future require smarter electrical power systems that provide more knowledge of the network's status and quality - in real time.

– Smart electrical grids must be able to handle an increased share of wind and solar power and a large-scale infrastructure for charging electric vehicles. The electrical power system should also be able to meet customer needs in the form of new smart services to control their own electricity consumption, says Anders Savetun, Electricity Network Manager, Affärsverken in Karlskrona.

– We are on the journey to define what the future electrical power system will be. And it is only through the collaboration with AddSecure that we can now offer a solution for smart electrical grids, says Anders Savetun.





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