Improved connectivity with Vehco Connect, the new green onboard computer

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Vehco introduces the 5th generation of Vehco Connect, an onboard computer that is installed in commercial vehicles to gather data from the field to make it available for the drivers and the transport management team. The new computer is based on a cutting-edge design with possibilities to connect with most possible devices over Bluetooth or USB. For the users it means greater flexibility and higher productivity.

Vehco Connect gathers vehicle information and makes it available for the Transport Managers in Vehco Weboffice (a webbased office application) and for the drivers in their smartphones/tablets (option).The computer is suited for transport managers who want vehicle- and tachograph data in real time to follow the vehicles’ daily routes, fuel consumption, driving behavior and the drive- and resting times.

The 5th genereation of Vehco Connect combines all the benefits of today with the possibilities of tomorrow. It has support for connection via Bluetooth and USB. This means a high degree of flexability for the users who can use it as a “black-box” (without screen), with a mobile screen (smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth) or fixed screen (Vehco Vison via cable). Further, Vehco Connect supports a broad range of power supply and it is compatible with different types of vehicles (HCV or LCV) and functions perfectly with a low voltage supply.

We can´t think of a better way to celebrate the success of our smart black box than letting its inside show on the outside”, says Johan Stråkander, Marketing Manager at Vehco.

Though Vehco Connect, the users can benefit from a wide range of useful services such as Positioning, Tracking, Geofencing, Eco-Driving, Fuel Management,Drive- and Resting Times, Remote tacho download, TachoAnalysis and Advanced Social Management. Together with a screen, services as Mission/Order Management, Quick Messages and Qualified Activities are also available.

The new Vehco Connect is built on a new and smart architecture that will enable improved connectivity, simplified administration and powerful remote diagnostics to reduce the operative costs and improve the up-time. Intitially the 5th generation of Vehco Connect will offer the same services as the previous generation of the onboard computer, but over time Vehco will offer services that are optimized for the new smart design.

“After a very intense time we are now happy to lauch the new version of Vehco Connect. We are very proud of the result and we are looking forward to see the response from our customers who will benefit from our new smart product.” Marcus Berglund, CTO Vehco Group.


