About Us

At allthatsfree.com we offers our members 100% genuinely free goods, products and services. We do not promote part-discounted items, nor do we offer redeemable discount vouchers, buy-one-get-one-free deals or obligations to puchase. There are no strings, no conditions or irritating requirements. As a member you simply click and claim. And, we show the recommended retail price of the item: how much it really is worth or has been sold at in the past. This means you can see how much of a deal you really are getting. At allthatsfree.com we also respect your privacy, and therefore NEVER sell your details to another organisation. We stipulate every single one of the companies working with us as a free stuff supplier cannot contact or chase you to purchase any items, they must post the item out to you within an agreed short period of time, and can only contact you by post to offer you other 100% free items. It’s completely free to sign up with allthatsfree.com. Our service to members is free. There is no need to register your credit card details with us, because there is never anything to pay – not even postage. Allthatsfree.com is the brainchild of Jonathan Willis and is a brand of his company Doris Spinning Company (1920) Limited. The allthatsfree.com website and brand is a joint venture with another of Jonathan's business interests and investments - The Ideas Factory, a UK-based angel investment network, an incubator of enterprise, that helps get new businesses off the ground, and provides an opportunity for its members to invest in them. Jonathan Willis himself is a highly regarded Entrepreneur who over the past 20yrs is said to have inspired over 7,000 individuals to set up shop and start a business. Through his 'Idea's Factory' business Jonathan and his team have raised millions of pounds of investment for small businesses. Helping bring some fantastic businesses and ideas into the domestic market, including West End shows, Films, Books and even a social media website set to rival Facebook. Allthatsfree.com is the 1st of 3 all new domestic market website offerings being launched under Jonathan's company 'Doris Spinning Company (1920) Limited', information on the other 2 products will be released shortly.