Statement from Ambea regarding the Reepalu Investigation

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Ambea has exercised its right to be heard regarding “Setting Things Right in Health and Welfare” (SOU 2016:78), also known as the Reepalu Investigation.

Ambea’s statement deals with the investigation’s proposed limits on profits in healthcare provision, and Ambea opposes these suggestions for a number of reasons.

Ambea’s statement focuses on the impacts of suggested measures on care provision companies. Ambea is a member of the Association of Private Care Providers (Vårdföretagarna) within Almega, in supports the association’s response to the investigation results.

Read the full statement in the attached PDF (in Swedish).

Ambea is one of the leading providers of care in the Nordic countries. Within the Ambea group, we offer accommodation, support, training and staffing within health and social care. Ambea has over 450 units all over Sweden and in Norway. Ambea has around 14,000 employees. The company was founded in 1996 and its head office is located in Solna, Sweden.
