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LÄNNEN TEHTAAT PLC    STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE    20 February 2008 at 3;00 p.m.    

TEHTAAT PLC                                                                     

I DIVIDEND                                                                      

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that a dividend of
EUR 0.85 per share be paid on the financial year 2007.                          

II ACQUIRING LÄNNEN TEHTAAT SHARES                                              

The Board of Directors proposes that it be given authorization by the AGM to    
decide on the acquisition of Lännen Tehtaat shares for the company using untied 
equity, under the following conditions:                                         

Shares may be acquired for the purpose of developing the company's capital      
structure, financing or implementing corporate acquisitions or other            
arrangements, implementing share-based incentive systems, or for onward transfer
or annulment.                                                                   

Shares may be acquired in one or more lots, to a maximum total of 250,878       
shares. The combined number of Lännen Tehtaat shares held by the company        
following this acquisition must not, however, exceed five (5) per cent of the   
total number of Lännen Tehtaat shares. The Board is entitled to decide on how to
proceed in acquiring shares.                                                    

The shares will be acquired in public trading on the Helsinki stock exchange    
(OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki Oy), and the current value at the time of the     
transaction will be paid for the shares. During the validity of the             
authorization, the minimum price of the shares shall be the lowest price quoted 
in public trading, and the maximum price correspondingly shall be the highest   
price quoted in public trading. The acquisition price will be paid to the       
parties selling the shares within the period of payment specified by the rules  
of OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki Oy and the Finnish Central Securities           

Because this acquisition will be performed by buying shares in public trading,  
the shares will not be acquired in accordance with the holding percentages of   
the shareholders.                                                               

The share acquisition will decrease the company's distributable untied equity.  
The Board will decide on any other terms and conditions related to the company's
acquisition of its own shares. The authorization is valid until the next AGM.   


The Board of Directors proposes that it be given authorization by the AGM to    
decide on the issuing of new shares and on the transfer of Lännen Tehtaat shares
held by the company in one or more lots in a share issue, to a total of no more 
than 947,635 shares. The share issue authorization covers all the Lännen Tehtaat
shares held by the company on the date of the Board proposal (65,000 shares).   
The authorization further covers all the Lännen Tehtaat shares to be acquired by
the Board for the company under the authorization to acquire Lännen Tehtaat     
shares to be proposed to the AGM on 2 April 2008. The maximum number of Lännen  
Tehtaat shares that may be acquired under this authorization is 250,878.        

The maximum number of new shares that can be issued is 631,757, and the maximum 
number of Lännen Tehtaat shares held by the company that can be issued is       

The subscription price for each of the new shares must be at least the nominal  
share value of EUR 2. The transfer price for Lännen Tehtaat shares held by the  
company must be at least the current value of the share at the time of transfer,
which is determined by the price quoted in public trading on the Helsinki stock 
exchange (OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki Oy). However, in the case of share-based 
incentive systems, shares can be issued without remuneration.                   

The authorization includes the right                                            

-   to deviate from the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right (targeted 
issue) if the company has a substantial financial reason to do so, such as      
development of the company's capital structure, financing and implementing      
corporate acquisitions or other arrangements, or building a share-based         
incentive system;                                                               
-   to offer shares not only against money payment but also against capital 
consideration in kind or under other specified terms or by exercising right of  
-   to decide on the subscription price of shares and other conditions of and 
matters related to the share issue.   
The authorization is valid until the next AGM. The authorization will revoke    
the earlier authorization to issue shares, given on 29 March 2007, and the      
authorization to transfer Lännen Tehtaat shares held by the company given on the
same date.                                                                      

IV AMENDING THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION                                         

The Board of Directors proposes to the AGM that section 5 paragraph 1 of the    
company's articles of association, concerning the number of members on the Board
of Directors and the maximum age at which a person may be elected to the Board, 
and section 8 paragraph 1, concerning the number of members on the Supervisory  
Board and the maximum age at which a person may be elected to the Supervisory   
Board, be amended as follows:                                                   

Present section 5 paragraph 1                                                   

By decision of the Supervisory Board, the Board of Directors consists of no     
fewer than five and no more than seven members. Persons aged 65 or above may not
be elected to the Board of Directors.                                           

New section 5 paragraph 1                                                       

By decision of the Supervisory Board, the Board of Directors consists of no     
fewer than five and no more than seven members. Persons aged 68 or above may not
be elected to the Board of Directors.                                           

Present section 8 paragraph 1                                                   

The Supervisory Board consists of no fewer than 15 and no more than 20 members  
elected by the shareholders' meeting. Persons aged 65 or above may not be       
elected to the Supervisory Board.                                               

New section 8 paragraph 1                                                       

The Supervisory Board consists of no fewer than 15 and no more than 20 members  
elected by the shareholders' meeting. Persons aged 68 or above may not be       
elected to the Supervisory Board.                                               

LÄNNEN TEHTAAT PLC                                                              
Board of Directors                                                              

For additional information, please contact:                                     
Matti Karppinen, CEO, tel +358 10 402 4001 
Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
Main media                                                             
