Interim report for the period 1 January – 30 June 2015

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Second quarter (1 April – 30 June 2015)

  • Net sales during the quarter amounted to MSEK 57 (37).
  • Operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) amounted to MSEK 45 (14) of which MSEK -2 (-4) represented Arise’s share of profits in associated companies (after depreciation/ amortisation, interest expenses and tax).
  • Profit/loss before tax amounted to MSEK -7 (-39).
  • Profit/loss after tax amounted to MSEK -7 (-33) equivalent to SEK -0.22 (-0.98) per share.
  • Power production amounted to 178 (127) GWh, of which the segment Own wind power operations produced 106 (71) GWh and the segment Co-owned wind power operations produced 72 (56) GWh.
  • Average income from Own wind power operations amounted to SEK 469 (517) per MWh with SEK 307 (329) per MWh from electicity and SEK 162 (187) per MWh from electricity certificates.
  • An agreement to sell the Company’s crane to Mammoet was signed.
  • A conditional agreement to sell the Ryssbol project (12 MW) to KumBro Vind AB was entered into.
  • The Company finalised the acquisition of the project Mombyåsen from E.ON Wind Sweden AB.

First half-year (1 January – 30 June 2015)

  • Net sales for the first half year amounted to MSEK 132 (123).
  • Operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) amounted to MSEK 115 (84), of which MSEK 11 (-1) represented Arise’s share of profits in associated companies (after depreciation/amortisation, interest expenses and tax).
  • Profit/loss before tax amounted to MSEK 10 (-17).
  • Profit/loss after tax amounted to MSEK 7 (-16), equivalent to SEK 0.22 (-0.49) per share.
  • Power production amounted to 406 (324) GWh, of which the segment Own wind power operations produced 228 (196) GWh and the segment Co-owned wind power operations produced 177 (127) GWh.
  • Average income from Own wind power operations totalled SEK 518 (627) per MWh, with SEK 361 (408) per MWh from electricity and SEK 158 (219) per MWh from electricity certificates.

Halmstad 17 July, 2015
ARISE AB (publ)

For further information, please contact
Peter Nygren, CEO Arise AB, +46 706 300 680
Linus Hägg, CFO Arise AB, +46 702 448 916

Information contained herein constitutes information which Arise AB is legally required to publish under the Swedish Securities Market Act (2007:528) and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980). The information was released for publication at 08.00 a.m. on 17 July 2015.

About Arise
Arise is one of Sweden´s leading wind power companies, with the business concept to develop, build and manage onshore wind farms for its own account and on behalf of investors.
The company is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.

Arise AB (publ), P.O. Box 808, SE-301 18 Halmstad, Sweden, telephone +46 (0)35 20 20 900, corporate id .no. 556274-6726. E-mail,
